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Stjerne11 · 26-30, F
Two geriatric useless men…I call it a draw.

4meAndyou · F
Donald has balls, because he is a man. Joe doesn't have balls, because he is a slimy, lying snake.
Nimbus · M
@4meAndyou Great summary :)
TexChik · F
@introvertguy nooope ! Biden got deferments for “asthma” . Trump went to a military academy for school. That Libby BS just doesn’t fly
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@TexChik that he apparently hasn't suffered from since 1968 because he keeps claiming he's in perfect health... 🤔
introvertguy · 41-45, M
@TexChik I stand to be corrected.:) You are right
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
It's impossible to ask this question because one side being plugged in by the Mainstream Media forcing Anti Trump in their minds. The other side trying to explain common sense to these people is becoming hopeless. I'm just waiting for a big wake up Trump return. There's no point of explaining. Just wait
Nimbus · M
Donald isn't afraid to stand tall and tell it like it is.

Joe just can't stand
@anythingoes477 Not particularly but thank you for telling me how I feel.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@SW-User Thank god i blocked the Biden supporter
@nedkelly Blocking ignorance is bliss.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
Trump : offends a few snowflakes with his mean tweets; leftists, and media go berserk

Bidet : pulls out of Afghanistan, destabilizes the whole region, gets thousands killed, gives billions in weapons to terrorists, etc.; leftists and media? no comment...
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Bingo ..... why are the Democrat media stooges letting Biden get away with this big lie? Why aren't they waving the agreement and circling the parts that the Taliban were supposed to do, but that Biden ignored?

Oh wait, I think I know why.
AbbeyRhode · F
The lives of 13 American service members, so far. 😡
Nimbus · M
@AbbeyRhode Sadly true! :(
Trump wears a Rolex, Joe wears a Timex. did you see him checking it to make sure it was still running when he stood there at a time to be honoring the return of those 13 soldiers
@Nimbus I thought he wanted out of there before Baskin Robins closed
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@saragoodtimes If it is 3 o'clock they serve ice cream at the seniors center Joe would hate to miss his daily dose of ice cream.
@saragoodtimes if I recall correctly didn't the main stream media make a big deal when Trump had a state dinner in Florida and got 2 scoops of ice cream after dinner. my how times change
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Trump has brains and hair. Biden has no brains and no hair. Just focusing of the superficial....
Trippin · F
Couldn't tell ya'. Neither one has affected my life in the slightest bit. 🤷‍♀️
i call bull.
Mr TRUMP Made the deal we would leave at the end of August
Mr Biden had to abide by that deal.
this is Mr Bush's war anyway and mr obama's and mr trump's.

yo know what else makes them different?
Mr T has a life full of lies bluster and failure.
Mr B (who I dont care for BTW) spent his entire life in "public service" and wel I think he has lied less

another difference? Mr T has done nothing but Whine about being a LOSER

Mr B has been pretty polite about that.

change your R&M Name to "Jerry"
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
I am not a democrat

I did not say you were, rather your were promoting Democrat propaganda by trying to foist the responsibility for the botched withdraw on Trump and his agreement. I say none of that matters, this withdraw was solely the efforts of the current administration and their military commanders. While previous Presidents certainly have responsibility for the ongoing war and its failures, the botched withdraw is Biden's responsibility and the responsibility of his military commanders.

2nd i REALLY APPRECIATE that you chose to post a source! so little of that around here. the daily mail like the new your \times DOES pander to it's "base"

Can't tell if you are being sarcastic here, but it really doesn't matter your opinion of the source. Is it accurate? Well nobody is denying this conversation took place. It's a matter of public record and that being true, its clear Biden and his administration knew things were deteriorating faster than expected and they did nothing with that information.

You're 3rd point is irrelevant. Doesn't matter who Trump made a deal with. The withdraw was solely the efforts of the current administration, it doesn't matter what Trump said or did, he's not President any longer.

I don't think intelligence botched anything, I think they knew this was happening. Again, its on the administration for allowing the situation to deteriorate as it did, and doing nothing until people started getting threatened or hurt.

I really don't know how I would handle this personally. I'll say this, the military is the LAST to leave. They leave after everyone else is out, not before.
@SumKindaMunster Nice to visit with a calm literate person.Civil Discourse can help our nation

correct, positing information characterized as propaganda does not indicate membership or affinity with a party. It DOES suggest that i ONLY pay attention to those outlets. My world of information goes far past any and all commercial journalist enterprises, left or right.

Can't tell if you are being sarcastic here,
NOT being sarcastic, i truly believe that most news outlets DO pander to whomever is giving them money or advertising. NONE are immune to this kind of influence (e.g. Fox news or msnbc)

my Military contacts do agree that "Intell" was wrong, telling the bosses of both administrations here and also in the UK what they wanted to hear

Those i speak to in the Armed Offices spoke both of the bravery of those Afghans they worked with and the appealing lack of training, actin and discipline of the rank and file afghan troops demoralized . unpaid, underfed, and stoned as well. My Military pals say they did NOT expect any significant resi9stance to the talibs.

I really don't know how I would handle this personally. I'll say this, the military is the LAST to leave. They leave after everyone else is out, not before.

I too am mystified at how this might have worked better with what i have learned.
I must offer some respect to the last guy on the plane, The Commander of the troops there was the last boot OFF the ground.

and we MUST take care of EVERY one that helped us. AND their families.

I will close with The Powel Doctrine, which we should have followed in Afghanistan AND Iraq.
to paraphrase:
to use military force to achieve a goal we must HAVE a clear goal. we must come in with OVERWHELMING force, not some smaller more palatable operations. then with Sufficient force, achieve the goal, and then leave
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@plaguewatcher You might appreciate the interview conducted in this article, it gives a nice summary of the waste of money and incompetence of the Afghani's in getting trained to take over the country.

brian29715 · 46-50, M
The difference between strong and weak leadership.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Trump released the Taliban leader & 5000 fighters, Biden didn't!
lol lol lol Fabulous humor. lol lol Actually in trade for absolutely NOTHING.....Donnie the Con man agreed to let 5000 Taliban go from Guantanamo...one of which is now the new president of the Taliban and Afghanistan. ALL 5000 went back immediately to killing Americans. Instead of making any kind of withdrawal agreemwent eith the Afghani goveernment........Donnie the Con man invited the Taliban leaders to Camp David...on the anniversary of 9-11. Sooooo we are in Afghanistan to kill the people who attacked us on 9-11........but Rump invited the terrorist organization that did that to Camp David on the anniversary of the day they killed 3,000 of us. That is the definition of a DICK.

In return for Trump's giveaway to the Taliban he made them promise not to attack us while we were leaving. LOOK IT UP. How did that work out?
MarineBob · 56-60, M
One has spent 50 years in politics
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@MarineBob and didn’t accomplish anything good for America in that entire time.
Nothing. Both lost.
Nimbus · M
TexChik · F
@introvertguy wow ! Thank you !
Tres13 · 51-55, M
Donald the Chosen One

Joe estupido gringo
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Tres13 Joe “El Stupido” Biden
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
Well ones President and the other isn’t anymore
FrozenGuy · 61-69, M
Probably nothing, since the Taliban are going to do whatever they want to do, regardless of how assertive or accommodating we behave towards them. It is not as if we understand their mentality or long-term agenda - never have.
Nimbus · M
@FrozenGuy 👍
FoolishLuna · 56-60, F
cycleman · 61-69, M
Trump had the Deal made in Feb 2020 of Americans pull out by Aug 29, 2021.

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Nimbus · M
Nothing stops them other than obliterating them.

We live in hope.
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
A complex situation dumbed down to the limitations of US bipartisan politics
Nimbus · M
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Nimbus · M
@cherokeepatti Exactly!
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@cherokeepatti Hidden comment - now censoring Bidens photos
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@nedkelly yeah I imagine, trying to hide this damned loser’s photos when he’s pulling crap like this
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Nimbus · M
@Thevy29 Very good :)
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Heartlander · 80-89, M

Aren't the Biden's self-made multi-millionaires?
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Slade · 56-60, M
@Heartlander Graft can add up

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