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So, you vaccinated folks are going to take shots every three months? 馃槀 You'll be dead in a year.

Rokasu36-40, M
Well maybe if a certain group of people would y'know do a certain thing and help prevent mutation, we wouldn't need booster shots.
@SumKindaMunster Probability is a key element in mutations. The more copies of a virus that exist, the higher probability of a dangerous mutation. Probability of a dangerous smallpox mutation is ZERO because there are no more cases of smallpox.

If we do a better job suppressing Covid out breaks, there will be fewer cases, thus fewer chances to mutate.
Rokasu36-40, M
@SumKindaMunster Alright I'll directly answer your statement.

Yes, it's out there in the wild mutating. It was doing that in the first place. But either accidentally or intentionally, it infected humans and we didn't take it serious/lied about it/whatever the hell happened. Now we have to stop it so we can reach the point it's only in animals again.

I'm done here.
SumKindaMunster51-55, M
@Rokasu Well maybe that's what you should have said instead of:

Well maybe if a certain group of people would y'know do a certain thing and help prevent mutation, we wouldn't need booster shots.

That's bullshit propaganda, and I am tired of people spreading it.

Toodles. 馃憢
The longer stupid people carry and spread COVID....the longer the rest of us have to take extra precautions. Any school that is closed....any business that suffers...any concert that limits who can get in....any sports event that limits how many can attend.....is 100% at the feet of those too inconsiderate of others....too willing to believe stupidity...to get the shots and wear a mask. A year ago the problem was COVID....now it's stupid people who could do their part to end this....but won't.
TheArbitrator36-40, M
@Shaveit Senators and movie stars are getting it after vaccination and getting sick.
Shaveit61-69, M
@TheArbitrator And after getting it thinking it is a cure all they have spread it to others
hippyjoe195561-69, M
@Shaveit Those who have been sold on the vax are still proud of their purchase and refuse to look at evidence to the contrary. Kind of sad but such is humanity.
Zaphod4246-50, M
Go back to studying your flat earth doctrine 馃檮
I'm pretty sure you claimed we'd be dead already and it hasn't yet...

All the horrible things the vaccine would do, and yet it hasn't done any of them, your track record is pretty bad...
Carla61-69, F
@QuixoticSoul still winning!
More Facebook professional medical advice.

Know whose REALLY actually dead in 7 days or less???? Those too stupid to get the shot at all.
Take it from one who knows (ME) If you have your Jabs you might still get Covid but will have more chance of full recovery. This is FACT.
MartinII70-79, M
@hippyjoe1955 You haven鈥檛 answered my question.
hippyjoe195561-69, M
@MartinII I did. You just don't like the answer. Follow the MONEY! is always a good option.
MartinII70-79, M
@hippyjoe1955 You have not.
I don鈥檛 know why this is such a foreign concept. I鈥檝e had tetanus and varicella vaccines that required multiple shots. As someone who鈥檚 done a lot of traveling, I鈥檝e had all kinds of inoculations. I think some people are just aggrandizing their fear of needles.
Carla61-69, F
I thought the first dose was supposed to kill me. Then the second.
馃...not dead yet. Or sick, or magnetized.
Zaphod4246-50, M
@Carla I think they put the wrong chip in mine. I鈥檓 not being tracked, but I have free HBO in my head 馃槀
Carla61-69, F
@Zaphod42 ha!馃ぃ
And what is your professional qualification?
Shaveit61-69, M
@RedBaron Again if I was the paranoid one, I wouldn鈥檛 be traveling all over the country as an essential worker keeping things operating for people like you.
@Shaveit Keep going on and on and on and on with your BS. I'm done here.
Shaveit61-69, M
@RedBaron Oh I will but there鈥檚 one thing that you need to correct in the above statement it鈥檚 not BS talk to your doctor he鈥檒l tell you those statistics in the information that I posted is true.
FreestyleArt31-35, M
Let's find out...


How many shots does it take to get someone to die?

The world will never know.
AthrillatheHunt51-55, M
@FreestyleArt tootsie roll pop rip off. Lol
FreestyleArt31-35, M
@AthrillatheHunt I had too it just popped out of my mind
Quetzalcoatlus46-50, M
Everyone should consult their doctor and ask them for advice. Not the internet..
Then what is your proposed solution of wise one? At least some people are trying instead of sitting on their fat ass complaining about people trying.
ScottR56-60, M
I鈥檓 getting my 8 month booster shot on Oct. 22.
robbie249961-69, F
@ScottR Me too :)
mikeylyksit41-45, M
@robbie2499 Well, I know who I'll be chatting with on SW several years from now. The anti-vaxers are going to be mysteriously silent by then, I'm afraid...
@hippyjoe1955 I had the jabs after my antibodies declined ,you lost another argument Joe, get over yourself.
hippyjoe195561-69, M
@GovanDUNNY So you were ignorant of the FACT that the jabs can cause death? Strange bit of logic you used there. My Brother in law died from the jab. Sudden blood clots in the lungs of a very healthy and active man immediately after the jab. His doctor examined the lungs after death and admitted he had never seen the like of it before. MASSIVE amount of blood clots preventing the oxygenation of the blood. Took it three days to kill him but the jab won and my sister is a widow.
@hippyjoe1955Sorry to hear that Joe
hippyjoe195561-69, M
@GovanDUNNY It is one of those things. He wanted to travel in his RV and in order to do that he thought getting the jab would be the answer. My sister has the RV up for sale along with the pickup truck he used to tow it.
Isn't that the goal though? 馃檭
curiosi61-69, F
That's the plan!
MarkPaul26-30, M
So, you're going to let the virus infect you every day for 3 months before you cry your regrets. You'll be paying the price for the rest of your life with a compromised immune system. 馃槑
mikeylyksit41-45, M
Every 6-8 months. I anticipate several years from now, I'll still be hanging out here. I'll miss you, Arbitrator. I mean that.
windinhishair61-69, M
And you know this how? Did you hear voices? Are the voices in the room with you right now?
EuphoricTurtle41-45, M
That's over 11 months longer than the unvaccinated folk
Nope. Hard pass
It'll eventually turn into a situation like the flu where we'll have seasonal boosters. And I'll bet you $10,000 that I could get a Covid vaccine shot every three months and live far more than a year. Will you put your money where your mouth is?

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