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So, you vaccinated folks are going to take shots every three months? 😂 You'll be dead in a year.

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The longer stupid people carry and spread COVID....the longer the rest of us have to take extra precautions. Any school that is closed....any business that suffers...any concert that limits who can get in....any sports event that limits how many can attend.....is 100% at the feet of those too inconsiderate of others....too willing to believe stupidity...to get the shots and wear a mask. A year ago the problem was COVID....now it's stupid people who could do their part to end this....but won't.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@anythingoes477 So what about the vaxed people the CDC now say are carrying and spreading the disease? Serious question.
MartinII · 70-79, M
[ @hippyjoe1955 No-one, not even the manufacturers, claims that the vaccines are 100% effective.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@MartinII I know that. What is your point? You should avoid the vax because it can't be shown to work? You should get the vax on the off chance it does work? You should avoid the vax because it is a bigger killer than the disease?????
@hippyjoe1955 Another reason to wear a mask. The thing is....what is a vaxed person? Part of the statistics of who has been vaxed and still get it....had only one shot of the two they were supposed to have. A lot of them had the J & J shot which was only 56% effective in the beginning...and the shots lose effectiveness by approx 6% per month for every month one has had it........so if it was 56% in the beginning....7 months ago.....wt does that tell you? And a lot of people say they are vaxed....and are not so they can get into events and places that require you to be vaxed or you can't come in. The sale of phony vax cards is the biggest internet business in the U.S. right now.
@hippyjoe1955 More homemade stats.........." You should avoid the vax because it is a bigger killer than the disease?????"

Show us that in print. ANY link that says that. Other than Alex Jones or some other nutcase conspiracy theory "expert".
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@anythingoes477 In Canada among those under 30. 81 people died from the disease. In the same age group 167 people died from the jab. Move on. If you are that uniformed you are dangerous.
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Shaveit · 61-69, M
@anythingoes477 since the vax suppresses the symptoms and you can still get covid and spread it, vaxxed people are the ones spreading Covid like wildfire. They are the breeding grounds, unknowingly . Thus additional shots are to prevent getting sick while spreading it. Follow the science
MartinII · 70-79, M
@hippyjoe1955 My point is that the fact that some vaccinated people are contracting the disease and spreading it, possibly even dying from it, is no reason not to be vaccinated. Simple logic. If you caught covid having been vaccinated, you sure as hell would have caught it if you hadn’t been vaccinated.
Shaveit · 61-69, M
@MartinII simple logic is that if it doesn’t work that’s the point.
Your logic it seems to me is to suppress the symptoms so that you don’t even know you have it and spread it. Versus becoming
Symptomatic and being able to identify that there is a problem. Thus you should keep yourself out of an environment where you spread it. The only thing the vax does is suppress symptoms making it easier to spread.
Shaveit · 61-69, M
And by the way I’m classified as an essential worker. I travel all over the US working in factories keeping products moving. I will not get vexed and I will not participate in public testing. But, how many people on here can say that they purchased their own Covid testing supplies and test themselves before they put themselves into an environment where they could potentially spread the disease. I do. I have had Several tests that I’ve taken at home manufactured by Abbet pharmaceutical and all my test have been negative.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@Shaveit The vaccines do work, both in preventing infection and in making infection less likely to spread. But it’s beginning to look as if they don’t work quite as well against the delta variant as had been expected or hoped. (I’m talking here about UK experience.)
Shaveit · 61-69, M
@MartinII what data I see is covid hotspots are also the high vax areas here. And government reports DO NOT say they work, the phasing is they MAY work
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
the vax suppresses the symptoms
Really? Evidence? A link to a paper? A plausible mechanism?
MartinII · 70-79, M
@Shaveit Well the evidence in the UK is different. And you would expect Covid hotspots to have high take-up of the vaccines.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Shaveit Very true. The vaxes are helping speed up the mutations and do nothing to prevent the disease. Those with natural immunity are immune. Those are vaxed are not immune and may have become immunocompromised because of the vax.
MethDozer · M
@hippyjoe1955 They do not speed up mutations. That's nonsense. Please propose your theory on how they speed up mutations.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@MethDozer Yes they do. Try looking up natural selection.
MethDozer · M
@hippyjoe1955 No they don't. That isnt how natural selection works. The mutations are always happening and only happen as fast as the virus replicates. The virus doesn't go " oh wow a vaccine, I better mutate against it". That's not how adaptation works. How it works is a chance mutation occurs, once in awhile these chance mutations prove beneficial for the virus and so that strain is better able to reproduce. It then becomes the dominant strain That's how natural selection works. The vaccine or any threat to that matter doesn't speed up the mutation process or encourage it. It just happens like how rolling dice sometimes craps out and sometimes hits the jackpot.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@MethDozer so you have no idea how natural selection work. Hmmmm What is wrong with the education people are getting these days.
MethDozer · M
@hippyjoe1955 YOU don't know how natural selection works. You seem to have this magical idea that it has a planned consciousness as opposed to the fact that it is random mutations that either prove detrimental or beneficial. Read a book that isn't the Turner Diaries or a King James Version.
@Shaveit Yeaaaah, that's it. The ones who never had a shot..or take any precautions whatsoever are the safe ones that never spread COVID....but the ones who are cautious, distance and have the shots are the super spreaders. Yeaaah it's so clear now. ;-) I'd bet you $100 unless you look it up first you don't even have a clue how to spell epidemiologist.....but you're the expert. ;-)

Personally.......I like it that you and others living under rocks think like you do. Sooner or later the stupid of any species dies off. One less moron. Or they get so sick that even they finally realize how they stupid they were for not getting a free shot....after getting COVID and living through weeks of illness. Either way.....antibodies end up in your system so whether you are bright enough to do it with a free shot...or getting as sick as a dog ...you still help everyone else reach the end goal.

You and other rumpers are a vital part of the COVID vaccine test.....you all just aren't quick enough to figure it out. In every drug test there is a group that gets the medicine and one group who gets nothing. As the group that gets nothing gets sick and dies at a higher rate than the vaccinated people...you and those like you are doing nothing more than proving the case that vaccines does work...and your FB gossip don't.

That said....I'm with you. It's your right to die....or get sick as a dog....or end up with a mountain of medical bills you'll never pay off....because that makes more sense to you than getting a free shot. Hopefully if you do get COVID you'll die fast enough that you don't kill anymore of those you come in contact with than necessary.

If you ever end up on a ventilator....keep telling yourself as you lie there that you didn't get it on your own from being stupid.....you're sick because of those damned vaccinated people. ;-)
Shaveit · 61-69, M
@anythingoes477 Just continue to think that getting that Covid shot is going to save the world… I just hope the people that you potentially kill when you spread it without knowing it feel good in the fact that you got a shot. How many Covid tests of you had? I buy Covid tests. I have them at home and whenever I feel the slightest little bit sick I take one. I am an essential worker that travels all over the country and I have to work in close proximity to others. Did you even know you can buy covid tests from Abbet pharmaceutical?
And by the way as an essential worker, I have to read, study and test on my knowledge of Covid and make my own informed decision.
@Shaveit Be glad u work where u do. In St. Louis in every single healthcare system and hospital chain that "I'll make my own decisions" gets u 2 choices. Get the shot or ur fired. How's making our own choices working? 4th wave going strong, 680,000+ dead now and 4 variants....so far. The only threat to America COVID-wise.....is people like you.
Shaveit · 61-69, M
It’s all the dumbasses in the world that think that this vaccine is going to stop it.
You still can get covid and you can still spread it to others you just don’t know you’re doing it.
If that makes your conscience feel better sleep well at night.