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stevendownunder26-30, M
As an Australian I can confirm that we do not exist.

helenS36-40, F
Some men believe well-educated attractive women do not exist. 馃榿
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helenS36-40, F
@jackson55 Yes I love it (as long as it does not imply any political consequences).
@helenS Yes. 馃憤
Jesus Christ... I'm usually pretty open minded when it comes to shit that goes on behind the scenes but this is ridiculous
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Shutterbug56-60, M
@SW-User but if they don't exist how would they know 馃
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Zeusdelight61-69, M
As an Australian all I can say is that I enjoy a well rounded argument from the flat earth society.

I particularly enjoyed their last International Conference's advertising where they said "Delegates are coming from all around the World:)"
Zeusdelight61-69, M
@SW-User An invitation to Lunch, wonderful, where are we going:)
@Zeusdelight oh... I already had a sneaking suspicion that I didn't exist... Live in a suburb that all others ignore, on an island that's forgotten by the county it belongs to, that. I itself doesn't exhist.

I'm not even who's that? a has been, im a total never was!

(Now if I could just convince the taxman the same馃槒
Zeusdelight61-69, M
@OogieBoogie Good Luck:) Good wishes to your Island that doesn't exist. If it is the state that the Brisbane Commonwealth Games forgot, I visited there and was beautiful:)
I鈥檝e been living in Australia all my life, I think it exists !!
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@Mona86 are you sure?
Can you believe ppl think kangaroos are a thing 馃ぃ
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If they believe in kangaroos we should unleash the latest creation..
Platypus 馃槑馃憤
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There's no such thing as a real human we're all hoaxes馃様
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Shutterbug56-60, M
@SW-User do you suspect that there are Brisbane men here?馃
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The current white australian is descendant from criminals and low life
@LikeTheSun it was a penal colony from over crowding In Britain 馃憤
Bushmanoz56-60, M
@PurpleVioletBlue we are very proud of that by the way
LikeTheSun22-25, F
@Shutterbug wild stuff
Oh really mate!

Bushmanoz56-60, M
@ExtremeNext steroid mouse. They are on to us
Bugger. They got me. I'm actually living in New Jersey and took acting lessons as well as a private voice coach. I'm admitting it. It's not worth the $14 an hour and showing fake kangaroos anymore
SwampFlower31-35, F
@Aquietplace I knew any place that called flies toilet birds couldn't be real. That was just too much.
@SwampFlower lol. some are as big as birds!
Ah... Bet he's a Flat Earther too.
They're known for their scientific geographical accuracy 馃槒
Quizzical46-50, M
@SW-User That is a VERY good point 馃槀
Quizzical46-50, M
@OogieBoogie Well, once upon a time, stupid and ineffectual humans would have died... These days we do everything we can to support them. Even going so far as to have one as a President 馃槀
Degbeme70-79, M
@OogieBoogie Are you treading water? Need new arm floaties? 馃 馃き
Shutterbug56-60, M
Come on people, so you believe that there is a magical land that has teddy bears living in trees???

Talk about gullible 馃槖
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Shutterbug56-60, M
@SW-User animatronics 馃槒
@Shutterbug those guys are good haha
Quizzical46-50, M
Mind you... When you look at the Duck-billed Platypus you really have to wonder if some bugger just made that up for a laugh 馃
ArishMell70-79, M
LOL!... well, smile, but uneasily given the comments about mass-murder.

Though some of the humour is in very poor taste, I don't suppose it was first published on an April 1st?

It looks to me as if a practical joke intended to wind up the prunes who do believe the world is flat. It would not surprise me if some of them would take it at face value and believe it - then get very techy when questioned or told it's a practical joke!
DeWayfarer61-69, M
Hey @Gusman are you real? 馃槇
@DeWayfarer @Gusman is a sock puppet. 馃ぃ
DeWayfarer61-69, M
@OogieBoogie If it wasn't already known that I only have one profile, I could make such a case.

Not like I couldn't do it! Just not my style! 馃槇
@DeWayfarer come again?

Well.... Okaaaaaayy.

Not that I asked.

Or maybe you're having a dig?

Ain't that charming convo for a chill Friday night.

So... Scuse me - im sure theres something I gotta be doing else where. 鉁岋笍
Degbeme70-79, M
馃槻 Then where are they? Are they actually my neighbours? 馃
I've always suspected it. I mean duck billed platypus 馃え
Virgo7961-69, M
What else have we been lyed to about馃え
Straylight31-35, F
You know too much.
@Straylight 馃槈... Get the Koala Brothers!... to shut this drongo up - dump the body in a Billabong and let the bunyips 'avr 'er for brekky!.

And the moon landing was a hoax.
@helenS Me too. I have a friend who believes that.
helenS36-40, F
@quitwhendone Buzz should have been awarded the "Bad-Ass-of-the Week" medal! 馃弲
LikeTheSun22-25, F
@helenS 馃 in that case i better. That way I can catch a lawsuit
Lol I actually live in Australia. 馃槀
Quizzical46-50, M
@Bushmanoz The brought in Industrial Light and Magic for the special effects
Bushmanoz56-60, M
@Quizzical I've never seen so many smoke machines. Guess that's why they get paid the big bucks
Quizzical46-50, M
@Bushmanoz 馃榿
Sapio46-50, M
Maybe it's like that island in the television series, LOST.
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Sapio46-50, M
@Shutterbug I'm not sure. But the island moved along with other weird stuff happening.
@Sapio yeah , well - the 'wierd shit moving' part sounds about right.

And shhhhhh 馃か... Its really Atlantis!

We move it about to just piss people off 馃榿
Where tf did I grow up then? Canada?
@Shutterbug then where have I been living for the past 30 years
Shutterbug56-60, M
@Mona86 no idea. You might have to do some research and find out
ArishMell70-79, M
@SW-User When I was very young my parents sometimes mentioned a mysterious woman I never met, called "Aunty Doffy" (short for Dorothy, probably).

I think this thread has cleared part of the mystery. After all, if Australia doesn't exist her Tasmania certainly can't.

Only, she sent me for Christmas when I was about 7, a book of stories purportedly set in a Tasmanian aboriginal family.

So, where could that have come from? Well, from your answer, Baffin Island?
But my first friend on here came from Australia. 馃槶馃槶
@Shutterbug 馃槶
@SW-User She was such a good catfish too. 馃槥
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@SW-User I'd like that, thank you 馃槩
I'll be the first to admit that I believe in a lot of weird shit, but not this. Australia is 100% real my friend!
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Shutterbug56-60, M
Damn it, I knew it! They sounded too good to be true!!!!
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@SW-User Especially him.
Is that for real??? Haha
Why arent these people drowned at birth Haha
ButterRobot51-55, M
I鈥檝e always thought I was living in a Truman show setup and this proves it.
This looks like a job for... The Straight Jacket!
LikeTheSun22-25, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout 馃槼 are you part of the men in black or somethin
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@LikeTheSun Don't give him that much credit.
LikeTheSun22-25, F
Figment of the ole imagination it is
Axelerator26-30, M
Haha thats great
silkandlace46-50, M
Australia and New Zealand are very much real. I could say the same about merica...I've never been there so it must not exist *giant fart noise*
indyjoe56-60, M
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AthrillatheHunt51-55, M
Someone鈥檚 gunna get killed for posting the truth.
Zonuss41-45, M
It does. Colonialism created it remember. 馃檪
ArishMell70-79, M
@Zonuss Well, yes - but it was already inhabited, like a few other countries I can think of! :-)
Zonuss41-45, M
@ArishMell Yes by regular people.
ArishMell70-79, M
@Zonuss Indeed! Why would they not be regular people?
Australia does. New Zealand doesnt
@OogieBoogie ummm- yoy dont think I was being serious?

Ugh - see... My humour is bad enough, pre coffee and it just doesn't translate.

I meant - that that was rather cleverly put - and I dug thr way you phrased it. 馃檮... Comprend茅 amigo?
@MethDozer ok - nice chat.. 馃檮馃槧
@OogieBoogie sorry.
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