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is god male, female or both ?

The answer to the question about why God is referred to in masculine terms in the Bible is because that is the way God has chosen to reveal Himself to us. God is never described with sexual characteristics in the Scriptures, but He does consistently describe "Himself" in the masculine gender, so we can refer to Him as such and therefore, be able to relate to Him.
revenant · F
@LadyGrace this will piss off women☺️
@revenant No doubt! 😂
He is Spirit.
4meAndyou · F
They say that God created humans in His own image. There are a lot of arguments for His sex being male, because He is referred to as male throughout the bible.

I've heard almost ALL of the various arguments, including the one where He has no actual sex, because He is a spirit.

I have heard that God is a male and actually has a corporeal body.

I've heard that He is a male and that He has a wife, who is too holy to mention, (although she is mentioned in early Judaism).

I've heard that God is three entities, two entities, and on and on.

In the Wiccan religion, there is both a god and a goddess, but they in turn are ruled by the Creator, and there doesn't seem to be any definitive word about the sex of the Creator, Who appears to be pure spirit.

Some pagans believe that there is a Goddess, and that She rules all, and then we get into the splitting of the godhead into LOTS of goddesses and LOTS of gods.

In the end, God alone knows...😂
4meAndyou · F
@revenant Not really. But my high school photo had my little saying underneath..."I am in love with Arcana Celestia..."
revenant · F
@4meAndyou what is that ? old skyes ?
4meAndyou · F
@revenant's just Latin. It means "heavenly mysteries". And because we will never know the answers to these questions, they ARE mysteries.
I consider God as supreme soul. As you know your/our soul, who actually you/we are, is beyond your mind and the body. Sex is very basic things embedded to your body and processed in your mind. It's difficult to understand the concept of soul till you start thinking about yourself beyond your mind and body.
@revenant Meditation
revenant · F
@ABCDEF7 A certain type of meditation ?
He is neither. Genderless.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
since gods are imaginary, they can be whatever someone wants them to be
revenant · F
@JoeyFoxx 😨
Neither! nothing, non existent A collections of fears and wishes!
@TiltingatWindmills Prove it. Back up your words.
Both since the universe doesn't differentiate
revenant · F
@SW-User masculine and feminine forces
JBird · F
Let your imagination decide. 😂😂😂
malizz · 70-79, M
Gods have appeared in all sexes and none in the course of history. The God of what is known as the Holy Bible has been understood by the authors to be male (presumably by divine revelation) although feminist scholars may beg to differ.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
I will say neither. I believe in some form of god, but not one that resembles a human, or has any real physical shape.
revenant · F
@samueltyler2 that is what i think also but it is easier for our comprehension to view a human form rather than a sort of...blob ?
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@revenant no blob, but a power! To some that is impossible, and those who are strict believers in the current written bible quote the phrase that man was created in God's image. To me that doesn't mean a physical image, more a "thought" of what was wanted by God.
revenant · F
@samueltyler2 I would say it is much more comforting for there are some abstractions that the human brain is unable to grasp .
Straylight · 31-35, F
If there is only one god, there isnt any need to have a gender.
The Holy Spirit has no form, hence no gender. It's Light.
God is both. Mankind was created in/from His image- like a mother but; Fatherhood is considered as the role which willingly sacrifices himself for the sake of the whole family, God is then viewed as more masculine. Men cannot breast-feed infants, so mothers should not take the same risk.
revenant · F
@Anonymartyr that is an interesting take but then Hindus have many and they got kali
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
@canusernamebemyusername BEST. ANSWER. EVER.
revenant · F
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
@revenant Duck!

It might hit you if you don't let it go over your head!
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
He is A Male
revenant · F
@JohnOinger hi god
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@revenant hi lol
xixgun · M
I don't think it matters.
revenant · F
@xixgun curious minds
Ian123 · 61-69, M
I would say some sort of spiritual being, neither male or female
revenant · F
@Ian123 i do not want any more debates but a conclusion😂
Ian123 · 61-69, M
@revenant As I said before you will know when we die. Can’t see any other way.
revenant · F
@Ian123 I cannot wait then
He's neither... though for purpose of his incarnation and communications with us, he's male.
That's both meaningful, and not.
Yep ... Father, Son and Holy Spirit
revenant · F
@questionWeaver makes one wonder
@revenant considering we are all "brothers in Christ" ... Corinthians (?)

It implies the language was holistic... not gender abbreviated
revenant · F
@questionWeaver i missed mass like a lot
Imaginary people can be whatever you want them to be.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Whatever you want he/she/they/it to be in your head canon.
goagainsttheflow · 26-30, F
Anything he/she/it/they want(s) to be.
God is anything it's creator's want it to be.
Neither. Love has no sex or gender.
sam1992really · 31-35, M
I have no idea
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
The idea that God would have a sex is so odd and shows how it is a creation of our imaginations.
revenant · F
@JoeyFoxx do not tell anyone
@Fukfacewillie that's not a logical conclusion.
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
@SW-User you lack any knowledge of sexual dimorphism and reproduction. I suggest you review a 10th grade biology textbook, and then I might read anything you have to say on the subject of this thread, good day to you.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
God tells us clearly He is a Man. He made Man in His image. And He made Man first, then Woman. 🙂
revenant · F
@Zonuss amen
Straylight · 31-35, F
@Zonuss I was going to ask why God has a gender at all, but some things are beyond our understanding.
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
God doesn't exist, but if he/she did, he/she would probably be gender neutral. Although most believers do insist that it's a guy.
revenant · F
@TJNewton thank you god
TJNewton · M
@revenant Loads of women say that to me
revenant · F
@TJNewton 😂
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