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Do you agree with that or not?

All known laws of phyisics that work on earth, does not work in outer space. The only thing that works on earth, and outer space as well, is Math. Scientist say, that math is the only universal truth. Do you agree with that? Or not?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
The universal TRUTH was revealed to mankind 2000 years ago and we nailed HIM to a cross.
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
@hippyjoe1955 the Bible kind of does
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Deadcutie Those men didn't have the Bible
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
@hippyjoe1955 no, they personally talked with god
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Nonsense.... the laws of physics apply everywhere
4meAndyou · F
I do not agree. Entropy, through the second law of thermodynamics, works in outer space as well as on earth. Math is simply the only language humans have found to explain things that happen in outer space that do NOT happen on earth.
Budwick · 70-79, M
All known laws of phyisics that work on earth, does not work in outer space.

I challenge that concept. I mean, how could we possibly navigate satellites and long distance probes without counting on physics to make the device respond as expected?
All known laws of phyisics that work on earth, does not work in outer space

I think you may be misinformed.
Where did you hear that?
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
🤷‍♂️ I'm not going into space any time soon so I wont worry about it..
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
Even math breaks down in some spots, so not even that is universal
What do scientists know anuway
Unquestioned · 70-79, M
No I don't agree. The solitary use of math is what could be holding us back.

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