Which is the most hated zodiac sign and why is that? PINNEDWhich zodiac sign gets the most picked on and is the most unfairly and harshly criticized? Which zodiac sign do people seem to despise the most?
If Trump were to run for president again, who do you think would be his toughest competition?What would you do in an attempt to gain or increase your net worth outside of your full-time employment that basically just gets you by? What's a problem wild animals deal with that you're glad you don't have to deal with? What strange, irrational... See More »
When in your life did you feel like a family member of yours did not deserve the suffering he or she is getting in life?
Why are so many making excuses for Trump regarding his promises to end the war and begin lowering prices on day one?
What do you typically do to fight the lethargy brought on by eating too much pizza?How likely do you think is it that Trump will succeed in his campaign to overturn Supreme Court precedents protecting the press?
What causes some people to be lazy while others have no problem doing tasks they don't want to do, such as chores?
Have you decided that a language was too hard to understand, so you switched to a different language you found more easy to learn?
What is the reason behind Trump's strong support for American conservatives?How did your parents react when they discovered you were listening to alternative rock or punk music as a teenager, especially if they did not approve of that genre? Do you agree that US Senator Marco Rubio's recent comments on Taiwan, China, and... See More »
Have you ever regretted having been in a relationship for too long which later prevented you from settling down romantically and/or professionally?
What path forward do Congressional leaders see for enacting President Trump's border funding, energy policy, and tax cuts?How do optimists have a lower stress level, move faster in their career, have fewer health complaints, and live longer? Are Trump supporters imbecile followers who are amused by his imbecile comments? Are they supporting his hate at the expense of... See More »