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About Me About Me Notes
About Me
I love studying. My main passion revolves around learning English. I adore cooking, entertaining guests, meeting friends, nature, animals, car driving. I am a voracious reader who gets my hands on any book I can have. Born January 1st. I'm a New Year's baby! I'm 24 years old. I'm here to cheer people up and to ask interesting and intriguing questions as well. I'm quietly confident, fairly outgoing. Slightly introverted. I am very tall, I have an unruly mop of hair and a dorky smile. I'm very loving and loyal and patient and I like to learn about people around me and nature and I love to draw. Intelligent, generally an epicurean slightly bordering on hedonist. I like to think I'm a chill guy, a bit manic at times due to copious amounts of caffeine consumption. I'm kind of intimidating until you get to know me (I know people can't handle my overpowering personality that comes off as way too strong) because I'm a very solidly built giant (not really, only around 6'4") but I'm not scary I promise. I try to stay positive and try my very best to keep a hopeful outlook on life and to stay hopeful in my life and make sure everyone around me is ok and happy. Inside I'm a bit of a seriously depressed suicidal mess but shhhh, that's our secret, no one else knows. Also pretty nice forearms if I do say so myself. I’m energetic—in my last position at a long term care facility, I was single-handedly caring for up to 15 patients per shift. I’m very cheerful and I smile often and crack jokes whenever the time feels right. I am someone who has an unwavering resolve. I'm the man of a thousand faces.