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2boredEPers · 31-35, C
Quite the opposite. You have some maturing to do i’d guess
@2boredEPers yes, but to be fair, there were worse and more savage settlers than the Brits - the Belgians in Africa, for instance, or the Maori on Chatham Islands, who slaughtered and enslaved the Moriori. Māori kept Moriori slaves until 1863. After the killings, Moriori were forbidden to marry Moriori, or to have children with each other. All became slaves of the Māori until the 1860s. The Spanish were worse in Latin America too. And the British brought good governance to regions they controlled, like India and Africa. I have met both Indians and Africans who are grateful for what the British brought them and grateful they were not colonized by the Belgians or French.

But no country or people anywhere that I know of is without blood on its hands. No need to single out one for abuse or to wallow in the kind of cultural self-loathing so common in Europe today and among liberal elites in the US.
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@SW-User No self-loathing amongst people i know, ta.
@MaryJo1996 glad to hear they are not ashamed of their country's flag, anthem, culture, or traditions. So many Brits i know are, not to mention Germans, of course

Alisha · F Best Comment
No matter what is said on either side, the other side will disagree. I was married to a man who served in the US military. He is now gone. I look at it more than just a piece of cloth. He fought for my right to have an open opinion. The freedom to protest. The right to have faith or not openly, without fear of the government. All nations are founded on the killing of others and enslavement. Englands history is proof of that, so is America's. we all have dark in our history. I respect your right to not think of the flag of your country. Please respect mine and others right to think of ours as more.
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MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@peterjohnson Well, we're not letting 19 year olds walk into a gun shop, buy an automatic weapon, and murder 17 people. So yeah, in the respect, we're doing much better!
Alisha · F
@MaryJo1996 to clear up a falsehood. You cannot purchase a gun at a supermarket. I do not wish to argue about the for or against, but I've watched this conversation strip turn in to name calling instead of honest debate. Please read my earlier post to know my feelings. What does it say about US as humans if debate cannot happen without calling each other names. You are not the only one doing it by far, but it's just so sad. I respect your opinion, does change of some kind need to happen. Yes, but it's more than just the guns. It's the hate. Criminals and people who hate will find a way to get weapons, we need to address the dealer problem of hate. Looking back, there was hardly any note of this type of stuff happening before 1999. What has changed since. Guns were available before that as well but did not happen.
Based on your logic .. the Bible and Kuran are just paper .. why do people freak out when they are burned ..

Why do the British pay the Royals millions of pounds s year ?? When they are no better then the next person?

National pride comes in many forms .. cloth , paper, a rock .. etc

It doesn’t make it weird or wrong
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Thanks for adding British ignorance.
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
Makes no sense.
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chrisCA · M
@MaryJo1996 That's been done already. 😏
TexChik · F
Coming from someone who sits idly by in a country that is capitulating to Islam without a fight more and more each day, its easy to see how the symbol of your country means nothing to you. But to assume ill of anyone who does value the symbol of their country is the difference between cowardice and patriotism.
TexChik · F
@MaryJo1996 really ? But you do ? Demeaning anyone who dares to show patriotism for their country ?
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
I demean anyone who thinks a piece of cloth means so much, yes. I prefer patriotism is shown via actions, not an ideal that worshipping a flag means anything.
TexChik · F
@MaryJo1996 respecting the symbol of your country is patriotism . Disrespecting a patriotic person because it's beyond YOUR ability to understand is narcissistic , rude, and assinine.
Highonheels · 51-55, M
The American flag as with any countries flag which are all (as you so ignorantly mentioned over and over) made of cloth and each of these “cloth “ flags represents the symbol of that country which in turn represents and symbolizes all the poeple who patriotically sacrificed thier lives to make each country what it is today and should be respected with patriotism and pride in what the country and its flag stand for. I greatly respect my countries flag and what it stands for and I also greatly honor and respect those that made the ultimate sacrifice and those that are fighting for and will fight for this great country.
My father fought in Vietnam 101st airborne and he lost a lot of his good friends overthere fighting for that piece of cloth you so ignorantly disrespected by even asking this ignorant question

So there is your answer to your question why anyone not just Americans should honor and respect thier countries flag / “cloth”
As for your question , after reading every single comment and reply in this thread I’ve come to notice that most of your comebacks / arguments are mainly the same in that and I quote “it’s just cloth” and I’m sure everyone here knows that fact so the fact that that’s pretty much your only argument tells me that you truely have no moral or patriotic highground to stand on when it comes to calling anyone else a moron for honoring thier countries “cloth” symbol / flag.

Secondly I would like to bring up a question myself regarding the real reason why you posted this ignorant, insulting, judgemental, closed minded question ,is it really about the flag in itself or the fact that those football players took thier knees in protest.
@MaryJo1996 see above for my response to that, you obtuse, opinionated little girl - not that I would ever call you that, but looking at the evidence, I have to wonder.
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@SW-User Do i really have to block you to stop you boring me? I hate doing that, it's childish, but it's getting that way.

Accept that i dont think any of the points that have been made are valid enough to change my mind, and move on.
absolutely, and i hope you one day learn how to make a point respectfully and reply to alternative arguments in a civil way that furthers discussion. I hate seeing an important, interesting discussion reduced to an exchange of insults. Don't worry, I don't plan to contribute again.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
It's a different culture. It's not my culture, but it doesn't hurt to respect someone else's world view.
What's interesting to me is that kneeling before the flag with hand on heart seems like a very respectful way to protest. Turning your back, giving the bird... that's deliberate disrespect. Isn't protest an important part of democracy?
Are people really upset about the flag, or because they don't like the protest? Just asking.
@Abstraction the point is that, kneeling in protest and standing with your hand on your heart BOTH recognize that the flag has meaning and is not just a piece of cloth. But I see that MaryJo has no interest in the question she asked originally. She just wants to insult the people of another country than her own, to display her bigotry and prejudice. I doubt she has any plans to serve her own country in its diplomatic corps.
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@SW-User I want to understand why a people go so crazy over a piece of cloth. Yet to have a decent explanation.
@MaryJo1996 if you want to understand people, it's probably best not to start off calling them morons. That just suggests blind prejudice and closed-mindedness. As I said above, a good place to start in your quest for understanding might be article in The Hill. Connect this up for the url or google Hill 5 reasons stand flag:
http:// thehill dot com/ opinion/ white house/ 353087 5 reasons we stand for the flag
The flag stands for one country, and while it's not an end all, they should all be respected. Part of the decline of so many European countries is, that they don't care about their country, and their disrespect of their own flag is an indicator of that.
@MaryJo1996 I do respect your point of view. I'm giving you mine.
As for your question. It literally has no such effect - there are law processes for that, and besides like I said - they targeted the wrong groups, it's a false narrative. What effect it does have is divisiveness and separating the people who need it most, from the police.
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@SW-User That's not really a simple answer. 😂 x
@MaryJo1996 It is complicated.
Uncfred · 61-69, M
I am English, and you sound like a spoiled brat, but I value the British flag as the Americans value theirs. Now go back and play with your toys honey.
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Uncfred · 61-69, M
@MaryJo1996 Enjoy "honey", you will grow up well.
Uncfred · 61-69, M
@ArtieKat I think you have reached the extent of my patience, think for a few hours.
RobbyLong · M
Imagine one day you fall deeply in love. And as a sign of your devotion you give your partner a ring - stating this is symbolic of your greatest offering: your promise of unity forever. Yet every week your partner takes a shit on the ring while looking at you and saying, "what's the big deal?" Your partner does this every week.
Maybe then you'll understand the importance of symbolism.
@RobbyLong Well said. *salutes*
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
Yeah, vastly different.
EmilyLee810s · 26-30, F
Well No matter what anyone thinks about our flag either way I'm glad I live here and not in Europe. I'm proud of it
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@EmilyLee810s Because in the case of people taking the knee loads of people were more bothered about them "disrespecting" the flag rather than the actual issues. To me that's just ridiculous. They weren't disrespecting anything, but making a peaceful protest over serious issues.
EmilyLee810s · 26-30, F
@MaryJo1996 well it is supposed to be disrespectful theres a reason that you stand out of respect. And not even about Just "the flag" but during the national anthem? Thats not disrespectful to your country? I don't think anyone is saying it's not disrespectful the argument is weather they should be allowed to do it while the nfl is paying them to be there
@EmilyLee810s Because the flag is worthy of respect, in all nations - it represents a people and a history.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
It isn't the piece of cloth that American's die and fight for it is what it stands for..
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@masterofyou It stands for nothing. You are willing to die for your country because it's where you are from and uou love it. Not the piece of cloth. It could literally look like anything, and you'd still surely be willing to die for your country?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@MaryJo1996 you are a laugh a minute
@MaryJo1996 why do you pay millions for a royal family .. when they do nothing ?
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Symbolism. Not sure how that doesn't qualify as real meaning
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@TexChik Use English please.
TexChik · F
@MaryJo1996 you don't seem to understand it, so why should I bother
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StrictSouthernHOH · 46-50, M
@MrEMann Amen and hallelujah! God bless America!
xCoinx · 31-35, M
xCoinx · 31-35, M
@MaryJo1996 Thats your opinions, and you have a right to feel however you wish
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
I think it's sad that youbneed a symbol. Why can't you just love your country and others without that piece of cloth?
@MaryJo1996 do you know a country that has no flag or national anthem?
Because they’re brainwashed. They value fabric over values that actually matter.
StrictSouthernHOH · 46-50, M
@MaryJo1996 Actually, being American is a privilege, especially for anyone not born here. Even those born on American soil may lose citizenship under certain circumstances. We're not a perfect nation, but every day people move here, sometimes risking their lives to do so, to enjoy the freedom and opportunities we offer.
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@StrictSouthernHOH Being alive is a privilege.
@StrictSouthernHOH Uh no. Being american is NOT a privilege.
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@puck61 Allahu Akbar.
@MaryJo1996 DEUS VULT!~
Have you booked your ticket for North Korea then? @puck61
You do know Miley Cyrus was jailed for 36 hours for twerking on the Mexican flag right? The U.S. is not the only one that values a piece of cloth.
xCoinx · 31-35, M
@SW-User I remember when I heard about that (she didn't just twerk on the mexican flag, she twerked while a dancer on stage wrapped up the mexican flag and whipped the enlarged fake ass she was wearing with it) it was like a little early christmas present from mexican santa. *sigh* If only she'd been dumb enough to have tried the stunt for a second time.
Goralski · 56-60, M
And that is why you're cowering to your Muslim masters
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@Goralski literally makes no sense to me or my country.
Goralski · 56-60, M
@MaryJo1996 exactly
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
Na, you just dont get it, at all.
ASouthernGentleman · 36-40, M
National pride does indeed come in many forms. To the English that National pride was the Empire. To the United States it’s the Flag. To one British Prime Minister National Pride meant that England’s soil was to be held inviolate. That same Prime Minister became through an Act of Congress The second Honorary American Citizen. (The first was The Marquis de Lafayette.) He also understood that the American Flag was and is a symbol of Freedom not just to Americans but to all people who lived in oppressed nations. The flag is a symbol of hope. So long as the flag flys Freedom lives and is protected. Both here in the United States and in all corners of the world. Perhaps Maryjo does not understand because she like all Britons are NOT citizens. They are subjects. Sir Winson Spencer Churchill, two time Prime Minister of Great Britain was both.
Do you really not understand or are you just being obnoxious? If you are actually interested in the answer to the question you ask, you might start here:
Well, SW doesn't allow links, it seems, but you can find it The Hill under the title, "5 reasons we stand for the flag"
often but not necessarily. But your post is about meaning and you seem unable to discern any. I don't believe you really are that ignorant. Why would you think cloth cannot have meaning (but a piece of paper or of music can)? Would you say that a national anthem has no meaning or that only words and not music (e.g., Mozart's Requiem or Beethoven's 9th Symphony) or any other medium can have meaning? Out of charity, I'm trying to follow your logic here. The alternative, which I am loath to conclude, is that you are so blinded by prejudice that you cannot think straight, that you do not wish to convey any meaning yourself, but only to insult.
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@SW-User I have no prejudice towards anyone or anything. Except the bad people who have affected my life in ways I dont like to go into in public. I just genuinely fail to see why there is such feeling generated by a flag, or how you can "disrespect" what is essentially a piece of cloth.
@MaryJo1996 so if you have no prejudice, you might want to apologize for the prejudiced, crude, and insulting comments you have made throughout this thread. If you "just genuinely fail to see," you should perhaps try a tone of openness and respect, a bit more humility. You will never see if you keep your eyes closed.
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
not all of us are that way - i respect my country but i don't worship a flag or a president. but i see how you get that idea.
We came and conquered and made a country,
We invited the world.
We are America the Beautiful
We are.
You have to have lived there. I have
koos73 · 56-60, M
That is an excellent question and I've gone round and round on this with friends for most of my life. It is a symbol, but just that: a symbol. But we all have symbols that are important to us whether it be religion, family or country.
Highonheels · 51-55, M
And I have another question for you too your clothes are made of cloth , why is it so important that you to wear them thier just cloth why does it matter to you so much , hmm could it be that its because they represent / symbolize something , things that make you go hmm.
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@Highonheels Just don't fancy parading around naked pal, that's all.
Joker · 41-45, M
Please direct me to your living room, I need to shit and your carpeted floor seems to be a good place.
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@Joker Bit weird.
MrEMann · 51-55, M
MrEMann · 51-55, M
We love our flag because it represents how bad ass we are. America RULES! No country has ever been, or ever will be greater!
MrEMann · 51-55, M
@MaryJo1996 😜

❤ from 🇺🇲
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@MrEMann You've bored me already.

Not even entering "debate" on this issue anymore, so enjoy.
MrEMann · 51-55, M
Well, your first response to my original comment didn't indicate you were very interested. A gentleman knows it takes two to tango and doesn't try to force chemistry. It either happens, or it doesn't. Still, so sorry I failed to entertain. I'll work on that.
MrGoodbar · 51-55, M
you kicked up a nice fire storm hope they give you lots of coins for this post
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@MrGoodbar Ahh. Had no idea about those. Lol
MrGoodbar · 51-55, M
@MaryJo1996 Yeah you can "buy" gifts and give to friends on here. I know it's heart stopping incredible!!!! LOL
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@MrGoodbar I've had a few gifts, but didn't know how people sent them or whatever. Ooops.
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
Light the blue paper and stand well back ...
is the cross any different yet we worship it and die in its name.
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@nevergiveup Also a ridiculous notion...
@Quizzical so you dont believe in free speech and others opinions
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@nevergiveup Those things have very little to do with the cruciform, and were certainly not invented by the USA.

I fail to see the point of your question.
Quizzical · 46-50, M
It's certainly... unusual
patkaren1717 · 41-45, M
Yes, it is a very messed up country.
revenant · F
It is a symbol like a sigil
Selah ·
It's very creepy.
JimboUk · 31-35, M
The flag represents the country you say you respect. I agree people go over the top with it but I also understand the anger people feel. If I shit on your flag I am going out of my way to disrespect you. The flag itself means very little compare the what it is meant to represent, it's a symbol of a people and their country. I wouldn't agree it's a sign of any Americans emtepness rather exposes a ignorant person to shit on the flag in the first place. Americans reaction is a secondly issues surly lol
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MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@FelixLegion All you can do's just pathetic.

Anyway, I'm bored of you. Haven't even got the balls to put your name or a pic of yourself, but have got the balls to insult a 21 year old female. What a sad excuse of a person you are, pal.
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@FelixLegion True, but the English have always been badasses. That's why they are still around after a thousand years. My family name is "Norman" and I am a bit proud of that. Leftist progressivism might be the thing that destroys England, but I sincerely hope not. God save the English Empire!

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