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The conservatives may have a point -

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If humans discover the fountain of youth we may all have to work well into our 70's (and beyond?!) to keep the economy working at peak efficiency.

Ontheroad · M Best Comment
They do have a point... atop their heads, and the more MAGA they are, the harder it is to hide it under their tinfoil hats.

JPWhoo · 36-40, M
I assume that would be the case and wasn’t aware that that was something conservatives in particular were saying. I can see two ways around that, one very good and one bad.

The good one would be, there’s a name for it that I don’t remember, if we figure out how to make computers think for themselves. I’ve heard if we do that we’ll be so technologically advanced that nobody will ever need to work again.

The bad one is if the good one doesn’t happen but we nevertheless continue our trend of losing jobs to automation. We might get to a point where everyone still needs a job but only the wealthy elite can actually get one because robots are doing all the jobs we used to do that don’t really require thinking.

I felt swell when I wrote this but now, not so much... :(
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
@rinkydinkydoink Oh, sorry.

No - your comment was well thought out. It's a be-careful-what-you-wish-for kinda scary...
Ontheroad · M
*takes a bow* Thanks for the BC!

This is the perfect lawn sign. Subtle yet not subtle in the least.
Ontheroad · M
@rinkydinkydoink yep, a neighbor had these made and I had to have one. Kind of makes me feel like Mohammed Ali... float like a buttery fly and sting like a bee!

Rumble young man

(Bundini and Ali - both missed muchly)
If humans discover the fountain of youth, (and they may possibly well have with recent discoveries in cell and gene renewal).....itll never reach the majority of society .

Teo years ago it was going to heal so many with diseases like alzheimers, dememntia, arthritis, etc.
Suddenly their tune has changed. It wont be for medicine......itll be for the rich .
The VERY rich 🫤

You forget .....the poor masses in this social machine are replaceable.
Longevity and youth will be kept for the rich to enjoy thier money, longer.
@JPWhoo i think you are being overly optimistic.
They already hoard money, land, resources, grt medical priority and prome medical treatment.
They get tax escapes, enjoy financial and social exclusions and freedoms we will never have, and live lives beyond ejat we can even dream.

Has there been an uproar yet?


Who do you think controls the d flow of information that they feed to the masses?

They already control us, keeping us occupied with sport, tv, entertainment, news that makes us swuabble amongst ourselves - fighting each other over racism, religion, war, politics, employment, basic rights....coz we are all kept on the boarderline of 'just enough' , fearing 'others' will or are, taking it.

When those resources ARE there.

Its just they are monopolized and their fruits are enjoyed by the top 2%>

There is already medical gene advancement that'll make us live to 120.
It could heal millions from delibitating illness and premature death . ...but no.

Itll make billions instead.

Look at insulin - such a simple thing.
Is that doled out free or cheap for the masses?

It could be.

I think you underestimate the nature of the greed of the elite , and the systems already in place that feed their lifestyle, and give their offspring a starting point in life that barely any of us 'plebians' reach by the end our ours.
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
@OogieBoogie I still don’t see what the super rich stand to lose by sharing the “Fountain of Youth” with us. They get more money by not using it? How does that work?

There is already medical gene advancement that’ll make us live to 120.
Then why don’t any of the super rich live that long?
@JPWhoo because they have only refined it about 5 months ago, and are yet to do a large enough trial to be able to publish any sort of clinical trial outside personal and labratory results.
smiler2012 · 56-60
[] @rinkydinkydoink]🤔 i assume this is a joke work them into the grave lol what a brilliantly calllous idea lol 😆

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