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Does anyone else here have the very strong feeling that something really BIG will happen around the end of August?

Not necessarily connected with Trump and the US election. Just this vague, general impression that something is about to happen, but I don't know what and I don't know why.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
Feelings are not facts.
I don't rely on them.
Something Big could be anything, it's too general, as something Big probably happens everyday and we just are not aware of it.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Justmeraeagain You don't rely on them? So if you're out late at night, on your own, and you see you can take a short-cut home by going down a dark and dangerous-looking street, you'll ignore your feelings that maybe it's not such a great idea to do so?
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
@Bellatrix2024 that's way too literal ...and that would be a real not an imagined situation.
So ,yes in that situation going to trust gut instinct.
Feelings that get me tied up in knots about nothing no ,not going to trust those
Shayshy96 · 26-30, F
Sorry hun it’s already happened. The petro dollars days are marked. Inflation is going to run wild and there is nothing we can do about it other than going to war with Sadi Arabia and installing a government we can control. Doesn’t matter who the president is that’s where it’s going
Nunki · 31-35, F
Is it your birthday or something?
Nunki · 31-35, F
Why that specific date 😅 Maybe it signifies something for you or perhaps it is associated with a certain memory @Bellatrix2024
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Nunki I guess it must just be me then, because no one here knows what I'm going on about. 😟
Nunki · 31-35, F
Like a premonition. It happens. My advice is to focus on the present, and maybe come back to this post in September (: @Bellatrix2024
🤔End of summer 🤷‍♂️
@Bellatrix2024 I figured as much 😅. How are things way down there 👇 ?
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Delightfulydelectablydelicious Down there? From our perspective, we're the ones on top, and you lot are under us.
@Bellatrix2024 I knew you were gonna say that 😅
But north is usually up ⬆️. When you hold a compass 🧭 which way is up ?😌
"By the pricking of my thumbs something wicked this way comes"

Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
like a disease infesting the major growing operations in South America
mindless · M
but please let it be something good and positive for a change
What are you talking about
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@mysteryespresso I don't know. It's just a vague impression, a hunch, an intuitive sense that something is about to happen. Maybe we'll finally meet aliens, or there'll be evidence our reality is fake.
Ferric67 · M
Yes, I hoping it will actually
change of season
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Your not the only one
Convivial · 26-30, F
I think it's October 🤔
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
Sterler45 · 36-40, M
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
What, like you might finally figure out that Trump is going to destroy America and vote Democrat?
Musicman · 61-69, M
No. Hopefully something big will be something good in your life. 😊
swirlie · 31-35, F
Someone else mentioned exactly this comment to me about 2 days ago and prior to your post, then I thought it was coincidental that you should mention the same thing. The timeline my friend mentioned was more around the 3rd week of August between the 20th and the 25th of the month. The issue they could feel either surrounded the US election or had something big to do with the USA itself, but no one person in particular was in the focus of it.
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