I feel abortion is sad. From anyone point of view. I don't say it's wrong, right, I just see it as a decision that's very difficult and sad. And that each case it's different but still it's sad.
@SW-User It is sad. It's a major decision for people. Both women and men. And there's a lot of reason that decision is made. I don't think there's too many out there who are happy about having an abortion. It's not birth control. But it is a decision that should be made for oneself. So another sad part for me is the minority deciding what the majority can or can't do with their lives.
I think the 2016, all female Ghostbusters was better than the original.
I think vegans are right and have the moral high ground and the people who make fun of them are either ignorant of the issues or scared to admit that they're on the wrong side.
I’m developing a hatred for the people who call themselves (erroneously) “pro-life”. Their actions are going to result in the deaths of girls and women, and these people have no plans to do anything for any unwanted children beyond trying to get them here, after which they’re on their own. And I fervently believe that any man who would force a woman to give birth against her will is a misogynist by definition.
I don't understand why population control can't be a global effort. It is paramount for the planet and survival of us and the rest of life. Instead we have done the opposite. I mainly blame the christians and assorted fucked in the head republicans. I love Gaia she deserves much better. It is all just so sad living in the 6th mass extinction and watching and being a part of all the destruction of what we have done. Votes matter. Please vote
*thinks about it*
Palestinian leadership is, and has always been, deeply amoral and vile.
I feel most women have an incestous love for their sons that's why they favor boys over their daughters, which is why we have incel/damaged men of society.
Kids don't owe their parents anything.
Bragging about being a teen parent is low-class and trashy
Most people shouldn't breed, it's too many people that eventually resent their kids when they can't gain something out of them.
The baby-dad/mom culture is trashy
Parents use sex as a weapon then asks for grandkids is disgusting.
Child abuse is one of the most disgusting forms of media and the worst thing someone could do to a child.
Women are more pedophilic/sexual predatory and violent than men.
Free the nipple is stupid.
Uber religious people are severely mental ill.
Having or wanting kids is the most normal and basic human desire there shouldn't be an achievement for it.