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So sad today

So this morning I woke up to finding out my cousins dog had past in her sleep yesterday, she was such a lovely dog and she lived such an amazing life bless her but it really upset me it always does when an animal dies.

I could never work with animals because they make me so emotional 😭 todays been full of tears for a dog that wasn’t even mine! 🙄😢
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@twinkles] 😣awwwww sorry animals are part of the family and always make you sad at there death
Cableye · 51-55, F
Losing a pet is very emotional. They are close to us, we form a bond and when they leave, it hurts.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Aren't you getting into end of life care?
I am but I can deal with things like that it’s just animals really trigger me always have done… if I’m watching a film and someone dies i’mlike aww sad if a dog dies i am a bloody wreck lol 😂 @JimboSaturn
Clyde04 · 18-21, M
Sorry for your loss.
tenente · 100+, M
find comfort soon

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