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Cleaning hamster cages is the worst ... Yuck😝😣😩🤢🤮
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BobbyMoeven · 100+, M

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@Juvia ...your Toad , won't be eye balling my daughters hamster Luna as a potential edible ??
Juvia · 22-25, F
@BobbyMoeven Oh my, they is cute.
Luna might be a potential edible
Lilymoon · F
but he's so cute 🥹
BobbyMoeven · 100+, M

Thats the same dreamy eyed statement I get from my daughter , while I am cleaning that nasty den , and inhaling the poisons that cute little critter left behind ..

To add insult to injury , my daughter just farted and waltzed away ,,🤢
Lilymoon · F
@BobbyMoeven 🤣🤣🤣
SnowedIn · 51-55, M
I hear ya. Had to clean the daughter's mouse cage earlier.
My household hamster,Hamsterdam, passed on this winter and I’ve never been so content with a death.
I feel your disgust.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I cleaned mine once a week and they were never that bad. I used vinegar and Dawn dish soap. Rinsed very well, dried it off, and poured the new bedding in. It wasn't that nasty.
Dusty101 · F
Omg I feel the yuck! But they're so cute.
BobbyMoeven · 100+, M

She is pretty cute ...

Right now , she's completing her 100th marathon in the past 60 minutes on the exercise wheel.. I often catch her looking outside the edge of the wheel , like shes checking on her progress .. 🙄😁
Dusty101 · F
@BobbyMoeven omg, too cute. Love hamsters. We said goodbye to Ron crossing the rainbow last year! We were devastated 😭
Juvia · 22-25, F
Let me see this ham boy
MissTaken · 36-40, F
Your welcome to muck out my horses stable 😂😂
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@bobbymoeven] 😆you think you have a bum deal lol i would swop your hamster cage for jess and her shitty kitty tray 🤢
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