The visceral disapproval of Obama is quite a bit different than that of Trump. The press helped tremendously to get an under skilled Obama into office. They did the same to keep Trump out. No shock.
Obama was the first black President. Given the emphasis on political correctness, you'd better not call out a black president unless you're damn sure you're correct. So here's a Republucan's view on the Obama Presidency in classic report card style:
Minority Outlook C-
Ok, so I might as well take my beating upfront. Obama proved that a minority could make it to the most esteemed office in the free world. That's got to be a solid "A". So what did he do to further the lives of millions that voted for him, specifically black America? Jack shit.
Race relations have taken a step backwards. It's finally reached a deserved boiling point. Lie enough and eventually a few might actually get a clue. Race riots kinda prove you went Uncle Tom on your most trusted voters. That's horribly pathetic as they, of anyone, asked the least. That's an "F" in my book.
I was expecting FDR, Johnson, Lincoln - even Truman would've been acceptable. But by sheer intelligence, serenity and inaction, I can at least say he was better than Wilson.
Foreigh Affairs A-
Here's where Obama gets very little credit, the Republicans give him crap, the press is clueless, the Military seems pissed, but the guy did a really good job. Now remember, he did this with the worst Secretary of State in ages.
He kept troops out of major warfare in an insanely volatile Middle East. His approach might have been thought of as too reserved, but America can't save the world. He stood by that policy and forced the UN to fight with us. It's not the first time, but it is a new philosophy to not "occupy" a nation or even a city when there is no upside to governing a shithole (though those may not have been his choice of words).
The military took a much harder strategy of training the locals to be the army instead of us eradicating ISIS from the confines of a city and then having to occupy that city long term. It's simply a better political outcome and exit plan.
The Economy. B
I was stuck between B and B+ Household income has yet to reach the level it was almost ten years ago. That tells you that we may be creating jobs, but not the right kind of jobs. That's also evidenced that way too many are still in need of food stamp assistance. Growth simply isn't reaching the people that need it most.
The economy isn't growing at the traditional 3% growth rate and also hasn't during the Obama presidency.
In clear incongruity to the above, if you're somewhat wealthy, you LOVE OBAMA. The stock market is up 200+% since he took office...
I could go on, but hopefully some sense the irony. If you're in a low income bracket, other than hope, you got screwed. If you're in a higher income bracket or counting on the value of your retirement plan, you should kiss Obama's feet. In ROI terms, 200% is better than real life porn star sex.
Trump, well, we'll just have to wait and see. If he can create real jobs and increase household income, things will go well. That's our best economic indicator.
@bijouBroussard: yes, you're correct. Things devolve. This all started with me giving Obama a simple grade of C- which you took umbrage with.
No one has blamed me personally. As taxpayers we all bear the weight when any segment of our society underperforms, culturally or even our education system as a whole. I'd just like fewer excuses and more accountability.
@Adogslife: Actually, your referring to him as an Uncle Tom was what I found most distasteful, because frankly I don't see who you are to make such a judgement. And I have been blamed personally. Because, like you, I'm also a taxpayer. But unlike you, I don't always have the luxury of being seen as an individual with her own achievements, I get to be viewed as representative of one of those underperforming segments of our society. I'm accountable for any mistakes I make personally, but I resent valid reasons being dismissed as excuses, as if the playing field were equal. It still isn't. Peace.
One of my teachers back in high school described that sort of choice as picking your cleanest dirty shirt. Ditto with Trump or Clinton. Either way you are no better off.
@CrossTrainer: The likelihood of that is far less likely because unlike the US nearly every other country do not regard healthcare as a privilege for the wealthy. So by and large this is overblown.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow: Lots of quality healthcare access for women in Kenya? Nepal? Ethiopia? Come on man. The world is a big place. Not everyone has it as good as you.
Obama. No question. Anyone who says trump should get grabbed by the pussy and come back and tell us how great that stupid daughter fucking howler monkey is.