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Should I use their real names?

I am am thinking of using my fiance's real name or version of it, instead of saying, " my fiance" or "my fiance's son" or whomever... When I am talking about them in my posts.

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LadyGrace · 70-79
I don't see what it matters as long as you're not using their last name.

Just make up a name if you don't want to use the real first name. I don't see what harm that could bring. It's a lot better than having to say all the time, "my sister-in-law". Just make up any old first name. However, when you're first writing about them, it seems like you would still have to say who these people are, in relationship to you, so I don't know how you avoid that.
joe438 · 61-69, M
The relationship is probably more helpful than the name, and people who bc wish to harass will use names to figure out who you are- I’d suggest not using names. Or make them up like “my sister Julie…”
RedBaron · M
None of us know them, so what’s the difference?
Js67472 · 36-40, C
@RedBaron I see your point. I guess I am just being paranoid. I guess a part of me thinks if I say their real names people will stalk them. My fiance has had a stalker before.. luckily the guy is now in prison. I've seen people sift through people's photos and find out information that's very private. I realize now I just am being paranoid.
@Js67472 The more personal information you publish, the more you risk identity theft. Make up a false name if you want to use a name for your fiance.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
Some people just use the first letter of their name. I have done that before.
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candycane · 36-40, F
Make a fake name it's better

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