Should I use their real names?I am am thinking of using my fiance's real name or version of it, instead of saying, " my fiance" or "my fiance's son" or whomever... When I am talking about them in my posts. Thoughts??
Poor baby is sickSo, my little woman is sick. She has this really bad bark kind of cough and sounds so stuffed up. She looks so cute but she is a mean little thing. I have learned over the years not to make her angry when she is sick. The only thing that I wish is,... See More »
It's all about the FatherToday is my future Father in law's 68th birthday. He said he hates his celebrating his birthday. It is not because it means he is a year older but rather that he made it another year and didn't accomplish something he wanted to do. He love making... See More »
Just an updateSo, last time I wrote a post, I stated that I going to ask my girlfriend's dad for his blessing at Thanksgiving. Well, before I tell you the answer, I have something to say. My girlfriend's family was very open to having me come over for... See More »
Just loving my girlfriendLove is what my girlfriend gives me. She is amazing and I just wanted to let the world know it. She hates camping and hiking yet she did it for me. Now if she could just show me where she learned how to filet a fish. That girl has skills. Lol. My... See More »
Holidays in general1.As I have stated before or I believe that I have stated, my girlfriend is of Mexican/Spanish descent on her mother's side. Okay, that being said Día de los Muertos or Day of the dead is tomorrow. I am unsure how to celebrate it and I don't want to... See More »
Just letting off steam.I am a fairly understanding person but right now, I'm not too sure if it's the late hour and lack of sleep or if my girlfriend has truly lost her mind. She is not making any sense. I've tried to get her to calm down and tell me what's going on but... See More »