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War is stupid

No matter how many times someone tries to justify it I can’t convince myself that anything is worth having a war over
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Adogslife · 61-69, M
Yes, and often over whose religion/fairy tale is real. It’s sad.
BatmanIRL · T
If you feel this way you’ve never had a coworker act like a manager
FriedDoughnuts · 18-21
@BatmanIRL Okay maybe that is war worthy lol
BatmanIRL · T
@FriedDoughnuts the only thing the world agrees on
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
Yeah sometimes war is glamourized in society. But it should always be a last resort. Sometimes war is necessary though. There are certain things in life worse than death and there are causes worth dying for. It is always better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting - Sun Tzu
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
The zionists in Israel keep stealing the land from the Palestinians and treating them badly to the point that they fight back. Then the Zionists use that as a reason to take more. Like Harlan Ellison said, "We need to just put a 26 mile tall wall around the middle east with only one door. Every ten years we open it and see if they're still fighting. "
ffony · M
@Tastyfrzz Walling off the middle eastern wars would just isolate them from the vicious wars going on all over the rest of the world; pointless.
I’ve often thought that if disagreements between nations came down to a chess match between leaders—worst case scenario, a fistfight—many more issues would be settled diplomatically. And we’d probably start electing younger candidates. 😉
Except self-defense.
FriedDoughnuts · 18-21
@BohemianBabe in an ideal world I feel that countries shouldn’t have to be in a situation where self defence is necessary but yes I agree
Ynotisay · M
What about countries committing genocide on innocent people? Nazi Germany, many countries in Africa, Bosnia...the list goes on.
Klingwood · 61-69, M
Klingwood · 61-69, M
I guess you will be rules by anyone at anytime
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Greyjedi · M
@Greyjedi That being said war is not likely to end, especially with a world where manipulation and disrespect are high in the population of women.
If only it were that simple. And, if you look at the history of war and democracy, if you had a completely democratic world, it may well be that simple
FriedDoughnuts · 18-21
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP I just don’t think that any disagreement or need for land or whatever is worth killing so many people
@FriedDoughnuts oh I agree, even 1 death is a heavy price to pay. Thing is, when you get there, you find a lot of people don't like the idea of foreign dominance either.
And another problem is that once your enemy thinks he can test your pacifism, he might well do just that
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It's not difficult to see, aggression causes aggression, violence causes violence, but those stupid stewards we leave in charge they seem to think in terms, if my country can hold the airspace with weapons where we can't be threatened, and we shoot down the enemies as the casualties found in Ukraine won't be accepted in the world I live in.

It was said in that interview, Russia must have thought in 10 days if they commanded the airspace in warfare the war would have been over. That's tactical thinking.

But that's just someone justifying war, too. Now if I watched thousands of people killed, I might ask, do I just let those people be killed?
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FriedDoughnuts · 18-21
@Ferric67 very true to be a human is also to be destructive to some extent

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