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How on Earth do you think positively when your brain is wired for negativity?

I really, really struggle with this.

I don't know how many times in my life I've tried to reframe my thinking to a more positive mindset, only to eventually slip right back to negativity, often without even realizing it until it's too late and what little progress I made is gone.

I'm so tired of trying over and over again, only for it to never work out. I'm pretty convinced at this point that positive thinking is impossible for me (I know, that's a negative thought, but very much backed by my own experiences).

What on Earth do you do? Can it even be done?

I've been challenged to a week of positive thinking by a family member and have been failing miserably since day one (now on day three with zero progress whatsoever). I genuinely believe the negative thoughts and cannot for the life of me take the positive ones seriously, as I feel they are false hope and unrealistic.
You have a choice upon how you live your life. If you want to spend it thinking negatively, then that is what you will get from life. You are young and have many, many years left to live. I suggest you try much harder or you will end up alone, bitter, unhappy, and all the other negatives. So smarten up. And, yes, thinking positively can be done.
Umile · 41-45, F
@PoetryNEmotion You sound just like my mother. And I mean that in the best possible way.
@Umile Mothers are often right. I am a mother. I have learned to change my mindset. I was unhappily married for many years. It was negative in all its ways. So I changed it. I changed my mindset. I became free. Anyone can choose to change. It does take effort. Repeated attempts. The benefits are numerous. The person who posted is in the twenties generation. They are many who are depressed, coddled, don't want to work for a living. They need to get stronger. They have choices. Thank you.
Doomflower · 36-40, M
"Your brain is wired to keep you alive, not to make you happy."

Not sure who said it first but ever since I heard that it stuck.

Also, "happy is your brain releasing feel good hormones to encourage you to keep doing things that keep you alive and/or get your genes passed down. It has been hijacked by the modern world and now we expect to be happy all the time but that isn't how our brains are built."
BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
Great question. I think some of us have to work harder at it. It is absolutely hard. Distraction is key if anything. It doesn’t hurt to seek help. I’ve been on depresssion meds. It helped me get over the hump. Takes the edge off so I can try to learn to deal with things
BnBSpringer09 · 26-30, F
@BearDownChicago Unfortunately, my experience with antidepressants was horrible, but I'll definitely try distracting myself.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
You sound depressed. Have you consulted a mental health professional about your persistent negativity?
Umile · 41-45, F
@Dolimyte good point.
BnBSpringer09 · 26-30, F
@Dolimyte The medications were the worst part for me, they took away all of my energy and made me severely depressed and hopeless, and no one would listen to me about how I felt until it was almost too late. I'm scared to death of psychiatric medication now, to be honest.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
@BnBSpringer09 unfortunately there is no way for a doctor to know what kind of antidepressants will have a positive effect on you, so the process involves a lot of trial and error. If one class of drug isn't working well for you, they try another. It can be a taxing and lengthy process, but it can yield positive results, it did for me.

There is also no "happy pill" that can fix you. For most people a medication that works is one that improves their mood to some degree and has side effects that they can tolerate.

I'm sorry to hear about your bad reaction to meds, but if you can find the courage I think you should consider trying again with different meds. I know I'm just an internet stranger, but I've been where you are and there is hope.
rosyhills · 31-35, F
Do you have any specifics?

What are some of the negative thoughts?
rosyhills · 31-35, F
@BnBSpringer09 like what though?
What do you end up not doing?
BnBSpringer09 · 26-30, F
@rosyhills Anything that involves risk, vulnerability, a higher chance of failure, etc. Too many examples to count. I also do not allow people to get close to me because I believe that once they get to know me too well, they will dislike me.
rosyhills · 31-35, F
@BnBSpringer09 challenge yourself to take risks.
There's something likeable about everyone
Maybe its the company you keep? People around you can make or break you. Maybe you need better influences
Umile · 41-45, F
@SStarfish True. The people you're around contributes to it.
exchrist · 31-35
I force a smile after about 30 minutes your brain will produce endorphins by default. I find jokes and tell them to ppl(mostly online). Laughter makes me laugh and smile producing dopamine. I try to think of good times snd avoid bad ppl. Its harder than youd think. Excersize helps. And if you eat things you like or look forward too that helps lots. Reading and sleep are very helpful too rem eye movement produces happy hormones.
Umile · 41-45, F

I can feel you on that one.

The old nip and tuck.

If I sense that I'm going in that direction, I just nip it in the bud, and think of something else.

Or, Tuck it away. If you disagree with something, or don't necessarily have to speak on it, tuck it away.

Distance is key.

Try to surround yourself with good energy.

It's nature for me.
Domking · 61-69, M
I didn't do it till my ass was on fire. I was despondent, depressed and life had become meaningless.
Had to do it for saving my life, to save my ass.
Had to learn a few techniques.
It was a fail and succeed, up and down journey, but I progressed.
Now I have purpose in life, I am content with what life throws at me.
You can do it, too. 💜
Vengabus · 36-40
If you read or watch the news, stop. If you read listen to or watch negative media, stop.
Consume positive media, it helps. Surround yourself with people like you who will love and respect you. Cuddle, laugh a lot, and exercise.
i ran across an insta reel about this. they claimed it was a brain rewiring thing and you try to reorient your thinking paths.
DesiDudeJ04 · 26-30, M
Negativity is not a absence of positivity. Negativity is being positive on negative.
Fluffybull · F
Try a qualified hypnotherapist.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
At some point you have to break the cycle

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