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ppl sometimes ignore the warning signs of a persons cry for help alcoholism' drug addiction and substance abuse self harm and comfort eating can all be signs that someone is suffering their own personal hell sometimes these things can be a form of escape from the turmoil that's happening mentally and in their personal lives there is a lot of stigma and taboo around such issues and mental health in general ppl tend to say that it is just attention seeking or brush such things under the carpet if they ignore it long enough they'll stop it but the problem is it will always be present there in the background until it is addressed and that person receives counselling or professional help mental illness must be addressed ALWAYS if someone says to you they don't feel ok take them seriously get them help and support them there can be many other forms of personal abuse too which can be cries for help
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Yes but they can actually sue you. You can't kidnap someone or restrict their freedoms. I think there are no legal ways to make someone go to rehab if they don't want to. There must be thousands of parents who wish they could help their addicted adult kids but they are helpless.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Heartlander It might well be wrong to assume that they are homeless by choice, some few people are. But that doesn't make it wrong to offer assistance, people can always politely decline an offer.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@ninalanyon It's really a problem that probably most cities have. On one hand the city can't assume that a homeless, street dweller is incapable to decide for themselves whether they want help or want to be left to what we see as their misery. So if a homeless street dweller refuses help, the city has to wait until he/she commits a crime before they have some degree of jurisdiction. It gets pretty complicated when cities are expected to provide sanctuary for the homeless who prefer to live on the streets, but then the temperature drops to below freezing, and cities are then expected to be compassionate and provide shelter.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@Heartlander extremes on all sides! Rarely a good thing!
Indy74 · 46-50, F
Thank you for posting this. I've been through my own personal hell for years.....I'm a survivor.....alcoholism to mask mental illness. No one saw the signs and I had to eventually gather my own strength and help myself. I've been sober now for almost 17 years and I got help for mental illness and have recently gotten on the right meds.
MIDZY198201 · 41-45, M
@Indy74 your welcome if I can help anyone on here by share posts like this a life experiences then for me it's a major plus and I am glad you shared your story and well done please hope you have a happy life and remember support and help is always there some ppl like myself really do want to listen and make a difference well done and congrats and much love
Indy74 · 46-50, F
@MIDZY198201 Thank you so much for your kind words. If I can help you in any way just let me know. Support is key. ☺️
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
You can't help them if they don't want help. I've tried.
MIDZY198201 · 41-45, M
@DearAmbellina2113 no one is beyond help it's all about doing what's best for them even if it means against their will sometimes you need to take control of the situation for them I have been their myself suffered mental illness and depression alcohol addiction as well if I hadn't had been forced to get help I probably wouldn't be here today I understand what you mean and I sympathise with you sometimes you need to take control of a persons life because they've lost control and need guidance

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