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Thoughts on loss

Does loss create sickness resulting in eventual death? I wonder this because I’ve experienced so many losses, that I’m just not sure if my body can handle much more trauma. They say losing a pet is just as bad, if not worse than losing a person. I recently found out that my dog may have a malignant tumor in his gum, and still have yet to know the true results of the scan. They sent it to the lab, and I’m still waiting. And I’m not saying that losing my dog will cause me to die, but I’m going to feel this loss stronger than most. We have decided against having the tumor removed as they told us in order to do that, they would have to remove the whole left side of his lower jaw. This is because he is a toy breed, and in order to remove the tumor they have to remove A certain amount. I forget how much they said, but it would result in the whole lower left jaw, which is devastating.

My dog has already endured enough in his life, that we chose not to go through with the surgery if it’s malignant…which means I will have to accept that we will be waiting out his last days until he tells us it’s his time. I have given this dog my heart. If it weren’t for me, this dog would not have lived so long. With all the issues he’s had, anyone else may have put him down a long time ago because he contracted diseases at a young age that caused us to spend a lot of money. But I will tell you something: I wouldn’t have traded it for anything. He has been loyal, loving, sentimental, and happy. This dog has been such a joy to have around, and when he’s gone, a huge piece of me will go with him.

Back to my earlier question though…Does loss create sickness eventually resulting in death? I’ve had people walk out of my life that I regret, family who have died, and family who don’t care to speak with me for god know what reasons (I don’t know). The reason I ask that question is because my heart has taken so many hits, I’m just sad all the time. There are bits of happiness here and there, but I don’t feel like it’s enough to fill the sadness or keep it at bay. And I feel like if I have too much sadness clouding my mood, that it will cause other things to go wrong with my health. There has to be a way to stop it, but I don’t know what that is.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
my best friend died in a bike accident, also I had a dog for 20 years, most of this time It was just me and her. it was devastating to lose her. I would give everything I have away and become homeless if I could be homeless with her. grieving to me is painful but its also beautiful, the sharpness of the pain depends on the degree of importance of the thing we lost. its not a pain I would like to lose because its a sacred pain. all these things happened to me and left scars but I keep on growing. I see it like when a tree grows next to a fence and eventually integrates it , I continue to grow ,discovering new reasons to continue because this planet is awesome and there is an infinity of amazing oportunities. also, I need what I call my carrot, something in the future that I aim at to motivate me, usually a trip. right now I am planning on going to India an Indonesia in 2 years and spend at least 2 to 3 months travelling. I eat very simple, I dont drink or go out much but I'm always going on wild adventures. you save 10$ a day, that's 3650 dollars a year, 2 years that's 7300, enough for a 3 month backpacking trip to asia with some scuba diving.
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
@reflectingmonkey Thank you for this advise. ❤️
Sadness, loss of will to live, or, desire to live life, will have a negative effect on you. It's why some people say we need to build resilience. I've lost family in grief, I've lost friends who've just gone wayside to my life, I've lost pets. I can't quantify their meanings in terms of who meant more; sometimes I can.

Are you talking with a therapist? They can help guide you through these things. ♥️
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
@SW-User I have an online therapist. It’s been a slow process, but worth the effort and money. The holidays are rough for me, and it would not be wise to quit.
Life is certainly tough, I would recommend going travelling even for a short time, it's really good for the mind and soul, I lost my Dad over 6 years ago and my Mum 14 years ago, when i lost my mum i used to have panic attacks in the middle of the night and was scared of losing my job so only took the 2 days off they offered me, a year later i took a weeks holiday and sold all my stuff and never went back, I struggle to live a normal life now and I'm still dealing with not having my dad in my life anymore so i just enjoy travel and adventure, life is too short, everything i own fits in an aeroplane friendly size rucksack and I'm happier, love freedom
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
@TheUnderdog so sorry you lost both of your parents. My dad passed away 4 years ago. I still hear his voice sometimes. It’s hard.
@PoisonLace thank you, it took me a long time to get over losing my Mum and re connected with my Dad as we lost contact for a while (they divorced years ago). I still miss him and still struggle with not having him in my life anymore, I still need him, bereavement is tough indeed.
some people watch TV, some people play video games, some people do crossword puzzles, some people start families, some people have animals.

the point is the same. occupy your mind with something. the loss of animals or plant objects is usually perceived as a more pronounced experience.

you may have to live with past memories for a while. after that, you'll have to look for a new external stimulus for your consciousness. it doesn't have to be a dog. maybe a walk in nature or a new hobby. think about what else you might want...

good luck.
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
@fakable thank you.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Sad to say this is called life. We all lose everything..both in one fell swoop at death and before that point gradually..things decay,people die,we lose things.
The way to cope with this is not to cling,not to form attachments.
To love without expectation of holding on.
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
@Entwistle it’s hard being sentimental. Unfortunately I was raised that way, and nostalgia comes easily to me. Especially when I think of my grandparents and how they used to gather us all on special occasions, and my grandmother used to tell stories. 😔
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@PoisonLace Remember those timea with happiness..dont dwell on how you can no longer experience them.
Pfuzylogic · M
What you have shared is definitely a “stress load” which causes physical and emotional stress. A support group for those who have lost pets would be appropriate as well as paying close attention to your health such as good diet, exercise and rest,
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
@Pfuzylogic Agreed…my dog is still alive, but we are not sure when it will be his time since it’s uncertain about the tumor. I have experienced grief a lot, from pets to family and friends dying. And it’s not been a very good time for me. Lots of tragedies in small amounts of time. I mean, everyone goes through it, but it has effected me in a way that I’ve been having a hard time coping with life itself. I’m not suicidal, but I haven’t been enjoying life if that makes sense.
Pfuzylogic · M
You definitely have my sympathy and support. If you live in an urban area it might be easy to find support groups.
The stressors you have listed are very large and best processed with people that you can talk to face to face.
Well I think with me, instead of fighting all the ignorance and hate around, I have to an extant joined it. Become part of it. I can't fight so much hate all around me. So much coldness.. It's impossible. So instead I've hidden within it. Blended in to survive.. sad
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
@SW-User It’s never too late to find happiness.
We all leave when our doors are knocked -- less loss or more loss endurance need to be examined by a renowned cardiologist in your vicinity.
B2nd2none · 41-45, M
My dear friend, change scares people. We are conditioned to have life a certain way and I think Boring is good because it means everything is status quo. Death is a change that we dont want to deal with. Sometimes it also has to do with Closure. Some of us never get closure and that is why we get sick thinking of it. Death is inevitable and we cannot change it what we can do is try to find some happiness to hold on to. Heart you!
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
You should probably talk to someone. Not to be callous, but loss is a part of life. It's gonna happen, which totally sucks.

We're all taking our lumps out here. Personally, I think my OCD makes everything related to death *that* much worse. Even losing the fish I used to keep would bum me out so much that I stopped keeping them. I fully realize that I have a death/abandonment issue that runs very deep, and I've worked on it.
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
@uncalled4 I am working on this issue with my therapist.
It’s fine to feel loss and mourn for love ones.

But everyone dies

Dying is a part of nature.

The most natural thing in the world

You didn’t think you were immortal did you ?
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
No, I didn’t think I was immortal. I’ve just not been able to handle the losses very well because I haven’t been able to grieve properly, and they keep piling on while I struggle to keep up with the ongoing stresses. I now suffer from tremors, panic attacks, sometimes nightmares, and thoughts about how I don’t have a family of my own while most of my family doesn’t speak to me (most of them are cousins), and my most of my mom’s side died. I have been facing the fact that I’m going to be alone, and unsure if anyone will be around if I need help when I’m old and unable to take care of myself. @Ryderbike
@PoisonLace you can’t change the past, tomorrow is uncertain so what’s left?

Only the moment . Learn to live it.
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Jungleman · M
loss is a part of life- deal with it!
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
Apparently some dogs let themselves die after losing a long time owner

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