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Straylight · 31-35, F
Yeah, that sucks.
Hey, did you know that the color orange is named after the fruit, not the other way around?
Hey, did you know that the color orange is named after the fruit, not the other way around?
froggtongue · M
Okay. But do you ever not talk about things others bring up? Sometimes someone might just not be ready to discuss something. But sometimes forcing a conversation can be helpful. In any case, live your best life.
Selah ·
@froggtongue i use my big girl words and express that i dont want to talk. Its not hard
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Sorry people are being jerks ☹️
So ..What's your favorite color ?😬
Ontheroad · M
Did you hear about the new Chevrolet? 😂🤣😂🤣😉
itsoeasy · 56-60, M
why not respect them
bijouxbroussard · F
It is rather frustrating. 🙁