JustGoneNow I think all "good" (whatever that means) people are "worthy" of being loved. It's different from "deserving" to be loved -- which is not something that many of us truly are.
Love is a gift that someone chooses to offer us -- sometimes for good reasons, sometimes for silly reasons, sometimes for no apparent reason at all. It's not something we earn; not something we somehow "deserve". I think we should be very careful about saying "I don't deserve that", even though it's probably true.
For me, at least, there's a blurry line between "I don't deserve her love" and "She's making a mistake in offering me her love" and I have, on occasion , found myself on the wrong side of that line. One side seems pretty healthy, the other runs dangerously close to me deciding how someone else should feel, which is a pretty awful thing to do to someone who loves me.
I love your words about being grateful for what is offered and trying to become your best for that person (which is how I prefer to read your "try to become worthy" comment).
Anyhow, I do believe that you are worthy of much, much love. Really.