Salix75 · 46-50, F
Had it happen to me. Got a letter from a male friend out of the blue. It started a new path for us. 19 years and 3 kids later, I'd say it worked out well!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
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zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@masterofyou I've moved on from this months ago. She's currently my best friend and mentor and I talk to her almost everyday.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
@zeframcochrane lol then you haven't moved on....
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@masterofyou Yes?
We're friends. I'm very happy with us being friends. She's like a teacher to me and a great source of wisdom in my life. I'm lucky to have her around to call on.
How have I not moved on? In no way am I sitting around thinking of her.
You might be confusing a recent post her with something from my past.
And also you're kind of a dick anyway so I'm already done here.
We're friends. I'm very happy with us being friends. She's like a teacher to me and a great source of wisdom in my life. I'm lucky to have her around to call on.
How have I not moved on? In no way am I sitting around thinking of her.
You might be confusing a recent post her with something from my past.
And also you're kind of a dick anyway so I'm already done here.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
It’s a desperate attempt . You’re worth more than that.
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@AthrillatheHunt it literally says women in the title.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@zeframcochrane I thought you wanted a woman’s opinion. That’s something a gay guy would do. Again, what a mix up. I take the blame. Sorry dude.
Now go invent warp speed dude.
Now go invent warp speed dude.
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@AthrillatheHunt Working on it.
Don't hold your breath.
Don't hold your breath.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
I’d think he was hitting the bottom of his barrel and running out of options.
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@Keepitsimple Why is everyone assuming im trying to date her with these letters?
I thought the explanation was clear my feelings are confused and I like her different.
But the letters could be interpreted as creepy.
I thought the explanation was clear my feelings are confused and I like her different.
But the letters could be interpreted as creepy.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Let it go, friendship or whatever just let it go. @zeframcochrane
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@Keepitsimple Well, we're still friends and talk I just kept up with the letters because she was so uniquely kind to me kind to me and impacted my life.
It could go either way.
It could go either way.
him showing his feelings would have nothing to do with regard for "my" feelings.... in other words, i'd find it weird because i clearly have no feelings for him & he crossed a boundary telling me his feelings while i am currently in a relationship. out of nowhere he shows up? & does he think i'm going to drop my new life for an old flame? ........
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@lovelywarpedlemon Not at all, he just wants you to know the impact you made on his life and how important you'll always be to him.
Also not an old flame.
Also not an old flame.
@zeframcochrane but why would he want me to know that?
what would his intentions be? i don't see how those letters could be interpreted any other way. unless it's more of a mentor type relationship? or just wanna be friends again kinda thing?
idk it's one thing to give someone a call & catch up on things, it's another thing entirely to sit & spend hours writing & thinking about someone & then bombard them with a wall of one-sided text & thoughts. it's not as common these days & it could easily be misunderstood for romantic feelings--not just by her, but her bf/gf?? what would they think if their partner started getting pages of letters from someone from the past?

idk it's one thing to give someone a call & catch up on things, it's another thing entirely to sit & spend hours writing & thinking about someone & then bombard them with a wall of one-sided text & thoughts. it's not as common these days & it could easily be misunderstood for romantic feelings--not just by her, but her bf/gf?? what would they think if their partner started getting pages of letters from someone from the past?
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@lovelywarpedlemon I wish I had something to say to that but it's pretty much ironclad logic. It is definitely more of a mentor type relationship I guess someone I saw as a mother-figure as unfair as it is to try and thrust that relationship on someone.
There is a degree of romanticism to it but it's entirely a precocious crush. I guess I can't really adequately defend.
There is a degree of romanticism to it but it's entirely a precocious crush. I guess I can't really adequately defend.
Littlewing77 · 51-55, F
It depends if I found the guy creepy and weird from the start. If he was always sweet, it would be sweet.
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