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Am I hot or not?

Poll - Total Votes: 21
Yes, and I'm a woman
No, and I'm a woman
Yes, and I'm a man
No, and I'm a man
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Title is pretty straightforward.
Got curious as to how many are women.
Also I'm not sure if this is worth mentioning, it is for me but I know some women would go "oh it doesn't matter to me", which is totally not what I want to hear. But I'm still a virgin and I turn 24 soon. As to why: Partially cluelessness but more because I just want to wait for someone who cares for me first and she can know I waited for her and would do it again, I've had chances that I realized and passed up on and some I was straight-up clueless but kinda dodged a bullet, so I guess I'm still sentimental like that despite having recovered from a drug addiction in my teens/early 20s. I'm battling a crush I can't have now though.
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Well you aren't sweating
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@SW-User Honestly? I'm just still trying to figure out the whole sweating thing.
Look I don't speak to females often besides my best friend so I'm a little clueless.
@zeframcochrane OK people usually sweat when they are hot. I was just teasing. You're ok.
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@SW-User OH. Oh okay. Never got that but will keep that in mind for the next photo op after workouts.
if Charlie Puth and Shawn Mendes had a son
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@SW-User Had to Google this, so you mean Dean Martin?
Italian? Lol.
I'm actually a very tall Germanic-French Canadien man (My mother is from East Germany and my father is mostly British with a French mother, I speak all three languages fluently).
Italian. Lol, I'm WELL over 5'5.
Though I love my Fettucine.
@zeframcochrane She means @MartinTheFirst.

Also I have Italian roots and I'm 5'7 😑
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@SinlessOnslaught Oh holy fuck. God damn man I'm heterosexual and even I'd fuck this guy.
I'll take it.
Damn, I have a SW doppleganger.
We're even roughly the same age by the looks of it.

Also lol, I'm 6'8.
TexChik · F
After a shave, a better hair cut, a diet, some gym time, and yeah you could be cute I guess.
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@TexChik Not really interested in a six pack just kind of getting to the point when I sit down and you touch me, there's no fat it's just all me or muscle or whatever. I mean I'm a thin guy but I'm actually almost there. Another 10-15 for a total of 30lbs and I'm there.
TexChik · F
@zeframcochrane well you should be interested in getting one...Chicks dig it!
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@TexChik I'm just kinda working on finding my happiness lately since I lost everything in the pandemic and life still hasn't really gotten much better and I feel like a pretty big loser most days lately and a six pack isn't one of the requirements. Certainly being fit and in my utmost physical shape is but six pack isn't one of the requirements right now.
I've added almost 10lbs to my reps and by the end of the month I'd like to increase that to 15. That's improvement to me.
I kind of have Adam Levine or Tom Cruise's bodies at my age (really if you look at these guys, they were actually pretty think at 24 and didn't really bulk out til their 30s and now in their 40s-50s they have to rigorously train or they lose it easy.

I'm insecure I admit. I was talking with my close friend recently and she's often someone I got to with my problems 'cause she's one of those people with all the answers for everything all the time and like the only person I feel safe being vulnerable around which inevitably means she gets to hear all about my recurring insecurities about still being a virgin at 24 and I wondered how I got to this point in my life. Aside not wanting ONS and just wanting to wait for someone who cares about me. I have landed on logically being ugly and she told me that's far from the case and my personality detracts.
Not sure which explanation I find more depressing and hope is more true.
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
You look like my nephew. I'ma just leave it at that LOL
Extra points for the Family Guy pants though!
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@LucyFuhr Yeah but you're not the first woman to tell me that (or, as my crush constantly tells me, I look like her little brother), but my ideal age range for women also starts at 29 and certainly doesn't end at 55 so there's that.
My crush is 40.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
from my perspective, you are an attractive man
zeframcochrane · 26-30, M
@JimboSaturn Thank you sir, you're up there yourself.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@zeframcochrane Thanks!! I will take that compliment
Sorry. I’m the wrong person to ask.
Kirby · 31-35, F
Honestly, I think you look great. However, do you think you look great?
kablan · 51-55, M
You are handsome
I voted yes, no homo. Guys can comment on each other's appearance lol.
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
Rickg · 31-35, M
Go with yes

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