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assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
Because you probably remind them of their traumatic experiences. It's not about you. It's about them.
FatsoJoe · 31-35, M
@assemblingaknob Yeah I agree but it's still kind of a dick move to assume things about others based off that. It's not like they know him just because he drinks. I blame the entertainment business and the MADD community for the negative stigma associated with drinking. We all know the stereotype of the trailer trash husband with the ketchup stain on his tank top type alcoholic.

Ananke · 26-30, F
I think it's silly when doctors ask if you drink and then they act all surprised. Most people drink. I answered a questionnaire for work that if you answered yes to drinking you *had* to put in how many drinks you have a day. I don't drink every day! There is such a thing as people who just like to have a drink every once in a while or at the end of a tough week!
Just tell those judgy fucks to go root a boot
Tobasco · 31-35, F

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