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On a scale of 1 to 1000000 - how sick and tired are you about this virus ?

4meAndyou · F
Our Governor has just sent out a notice that it is mandatory to wear face masks in public at all times. That's fine, but I just went to the hospital, they stopped me at the door and asked me if I wanted one of their masks...which was a piece of crap, BTW...and like an idiot I said sure.

I had to touch my bandanna mask with my covid19 covered vinyl gloves, use the same dirty gloves to put their face mask on, contaminating it, I am sure. I stuffed my bandanna mask in my purse...thus contaminating my purse with my dirty bandanna and gloves....then when I got into x-ray the receptionist told me my mask was slipping and I should adjust I did...with my dirty gloves.

When I finally got back out to my car, I threw the crap mask in a paper bag with three pairs of contaminated gloves...and I thought I was done. I was out of gloves, for sure.

THEN I got stopped on the way in to my building by building management staff, and I was told I could NOT re-enter the building without a mask. I told her I had one in my purse, but it got dirty at the hospital...and she was carrying around MASKS with her, in paper bags so they were clean...and she gave me one so that I could enter the building. Three masks and three pairs of gloves down.

NOW we know where all the useless defective paper masks have gone, at least.

I am sitting here and my throat feels sore. Thank you, hospital! Thank you Governor!!!!
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@4meAndyou This is why they didn't suggest masks in the first place.

You're more likely to pick the virus up from a surface than from out of the air.
4meAndyou · F
@Quizzical Precisely. I had a personal demonstration of that today. By the time I began to drive to the grocery store, I felt dizzy and I was almost positive that the rest rooms in the grocery store would be boarded up with hazmat tape...😉 I just gave up and drove home.
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@4meAndyou 😁
I'm bedding in for the long haul because it's not going anywhere any time soon. There's little point in letting it get to you. It's like being locked up in prison for a long sentence. You have to accept your circumstances because there's no alternative. Getting stressed will just make it worse.
Ehhhh im not concerned with the virus.. im just concerned with the political schemers behind it
Magenta · F
Pfuzylogic · M
You added a few digits ! 😂
Magenta · F
@Pfuzylogic Haha, I did! I misread the question at first. I could actually gone another couple digits. 😂

It's what happens when I'm in a hurry.
Pfuzylogic · M
For a second I thought you had an incredibly tough constitution! 😘
eli1601 · 70-79, M
I was at 1000000 a month ago. It's beyond that now.
michelle44 · 56-60, F
it sucks ...and so many folk have died from it
Pfuzylogic · M
It isn’t much if you have been deployed in the military.
I wish the vaccine would be available already.
MougyWolf · 36-40, M
uh.. I'm about as sick of hearing about it as I am any other major catastrophe that Earth is faced with right now, but reality is never a blissful ordeal anyways.

I'm sick of my personal journey of self discovery though. It's heavy, and I still don't truly know who I am. That kind of frightens me. =/
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
Angelboy2455 · 18-21, M
Hikingguy · 56-60, M
Quizzical · 46-50, M
Not sick, but totally tired!
I am just dealing with it
Thanos · 31-35, M
I’m really ready to be finished with the lockdown, that’s for certain.

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