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Why are people being so nasty to me already? I'm new here?

I said this, "Hello. I am new to this website. What can I expect from this website? I am a nice lady and I kind of expect everyone here to be nice, sweet and kindhearted."
Some laughed and some said, "Suuure" and some said, "Heck no lady" and "Yeah right" what's so funny about that. That wasn't the kind of welcome I was expecting.
Only three were nice to me.
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Starchild1983 · 41-45, F
They mean there are a lot of not nice people on here.

It can be a rough place. Have to get tough and keep looking for nice people.
People are jaded, and quick to be rude here.
With your username and the lack of a profile picture people likely assume you're trolling or a fake profile.
Miram · 31-35, F
It's not unnice nor nasty. They are trying to tell you to be careful since there is much rudeness and harassment here.
NotValid · 31-35, F
@Miram I don't care. They really hurt my feelings when they laughed at me.
Miram · 31-35, F
@NotValid They weren't laughing at you. 🙄
NotValid · 31-35, F
@Miram Some were. It was very rude.
Thats the welcoming committee. Ic you can't handle that, you shouldn't be here.
NotValid · 31-35, F
@SW-User I wanna be here. ☹️
ShaythePanTransMan · 22-25, T
Same thing happened to me when I first joined. What you have to do is block, block, block until only the nice people are left. Then this place becomes tolerable. Trust me, it gets better over time.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Maybe they thing you're trolling.

Your name may be the culprit.
Success · 26-30, F
@sighmeupforthat Yes, too many 'I wanna get really fat' accounts.
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Welcome to SW. You committed the biggest sin for some of the people here, you're new and you announced it. We've had lots of problems with "new" people in the past actually not being new but old users that got booted out of here comeback and cause more trouble claiming to be "new people" until it's found out who they are/were. So there you go, nasty, paranoid people, or maybe not we'll see.
@Miram I'll have to check it out.
@Miram I see. Ok then.
NotValid · 31-35, F
@SW-User they were rude. People said that they weren't being rude
texasborn89 · 31-35, M
you can always talk to me i don't bite lol. not sure what you like talking about
4meAndyou · F
I think it may be that you state that you expect everyone here to be nice, sweet and kindhearted. Those of us who spend a lot of time here know it just ain't so. I suppose they were trying to give you a hint of what to expect.

Just remember, when people are mean, you can click on their id page and block them.
ginnyfromtheblock · 26-30, F
🥺 i have the same problem. you are very welcome here. can’t wait to hear what you have to say!
NotValid · 31-35, F
@ginnyfromtheblock aww thank you so much
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NotValid · 31-35, F
@mikie24 we can be
Rutterman · 46-50, M
Sorry you didn't get a friendly reception, but the majority of people here really are okay. Just ignore (or block, if necessary) the rude ones and things should go better for you. Works for me anyway.
gregloa · 61-69, M
Bless your heart. There are nice people here too. Just use the block button.
Success · 26-30, F
It can be a weird place at times. I had a crazy and controlling person block me earlier because his interrogating wasn't going as planned.
texasborn89 · 31-35, M
@Success I was blocked by a trans for not talking even though we had nothing in common lol.
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
The nice ones dont come out at nite
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UserNameSW · 46-50, M
@mikie24 a few of us are
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find a good group of friends and you will be fine
ThatMusgraveWoman · 70-79, F
Not everybody is nasty. Some people use the shield of anonymity online to try and hurt, but all they are doing is revealing their own ugly nature. Ignore them and look for the decent people: there are many out there, online and in real life.
texasborn89 · 31-35, M
I'm not mean. some people just are idk why
Find the nice ones!
you can talk to me i am easy going
indyjoe · 56-60, M
There are a lot of good and nice people here...but there are also a lot of trolls, perverts, hateful and nasty people, as well as instigators too. Hang in there, you'll meet some of the good ones.🤠
Miram · 31-35, F

I think you should read the responses to their post. They're not nasty
NotValid · 31-35, F
@indyjoe Thank to so much. At last some people are nice. I wish people weren't so brutal about it.
NotValid · 31-35, F
@Miram Yes they are. They didn't have to laugh at me like that.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Most people here enjoy trolling people here. Just ignore and you'll be fine.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
Don’t take it personally. There are people who are just assholes.
Some people here are very rude, just to let you know.
Pay no attention to the cynical mind.
I don’t think they meant to be rude. It’s because I think you may expect everyone here to be nice and they’re not. We have a lot of assholes and cunts here. Just block the jerks and you’ll be fine
NotValid · 31-35, F
@SW-User They didn't have to laugh at me.

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