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I've lied to my more closely valued friends and have decided to take it to the grave, is that ok?

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I can't bring myself to telling them about the truth about my past. We've been friends for at least 5yrs. now. I lied about taking someone's virginity back in highschool during prom night. That was the idea at least, we just didn't do it. Everyone else just assumed because the situation implied that it happened. I've never taken a virginity. I've only ever had mine taken. My friends and I are still pretty close I think I'm just beating myself up about the fact of lying and then taking it to the grave completely before having them ever find out.
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ThePerfectUsername · 70-79, M Best Comment
If it's not going to matter in another 10 years don't spend more than ten minutes worrying about it.

LadyGrace · 70-79
That part is long over. Time to forgive yourself and move on.
Why do you need to make up stories? I dont understand why you lied in the first place.
Oh well upto you, your not hurting anyone, your sex life is your business but if your gonna lie about something like that I hope you can be honest about things that actually are important
KaloB · 26-30, M
@MushroomFaerie That's the thing it was never even intended to happen someone was being really nosey and I wasn't comfortable telling them yes or no because it was my business and I just told them to stop asking me about it. Then a few days later it got out of hand and I shut it down completely because I didn't want to be the center of attention.
KaloB · 26-30, M
@MushroomFaerie Thank you
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indyjoe · 56-60, M
Okay, so you lied about it....You know the truth, so let them believe what they want about it. It's not really all that important, and it's really not anyone's business. They probably don't even think much about it or care anyway. Yes, lying was wrong...but this is one of those times when you can just let it go and there is no reason to dwell on it, feel guilty over it, or bring it up again. If they find out, so what? Just own up to it, I mean what difference would it really make?
KaloB · 26-30, M
@indyjoe Thank you
indyjoe · 56-60, M
@KaloB 🤠👌
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
Unless your lie ruined someone's reputation or life, it's not that big of a deal.
Don't sweat the small stuff; just don't do it again.
KaloB · 26-30, M
@LucyFuhr It didn't. And thank you
If they took it for granted that that's what happened and you didn't say it did, I think it would be on them for assuming that was fact, if you tell them the truth about it they will probably rag you about for a little while and leave it at that
ShaythePanTransMan · 22-25, T
Yeah. Don’t need to really clarify it. If they don’t’s whatever, right?
KaloB · 26-30, M
ShaythePanTransMan · 22-25, T
@KaloB you’re welcome
Bulma13 · 31-35
I mean...if it's really tearing you up inside you can always just say it was a misunderstanding. Other wise...if it's never going to come up again why bother? It just depends on how much energy you want to put into it. Just don't go down the rabbit hole of little white lies if you can help it.
KaloB · 26-30, M
@Bulma13 Thank you
This whole concept is foolishness. "Taking" assumes they had something and now you have it, which you don't.

A lot of people teenaged and much older lie constantly about sex.

My concern about this lie is the person who was lied about. I doubt you can know whether it affected her/him negatively or not.

If it is truly bothering you, one way (maybe the only way) to make amends is to contact her and ask what SHE wants you to do about it. My guess would be nothing. But you did her wrong, and you should at least ask.
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
They're not gonna care you didn't take that person's virginity. Sex is not a big deal.
KaloB · 26-30, M

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