marsbar · F
No, it doesn’t.
I know it’s hard, but try not to let your dad get to you. You’re built differently than him.
I know it’s hard, but try not to let your dad get to you. You’re built differently than him.

No. It's only weak if it gets in the way of what you have to take care of or what you want to do. You're allowed to feel.

He is completely wrong. Sensitivity requires strength. It’s people who aren’t sensitive to the world around them that are weak.
curiosi · 61-69, F
I really wish parents understood the impact they have on their children. Be who you are and if you find you are getting in your own way then decided if you wish to make changes.
Neoerectus · M
Sensitive people can be the strongest since they must learn to work through pain. Insensitive folks deflect so much they often dont know how to work through pain or their own emotions.
Humanist321 · M
No, it doesn't make you weak. In fact, there is an argument that only a strong man can show sensitivity because he is more aware of who he is and what he feels--in contrast to the faux man who has to pretend he is strong and is unable to show his feelings.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
Sensitive people have to be incredibly strong! Everything affects them more than your average person....its tough!!
JustLikeGreta · F
Of course not.

Absolutely ,not ! If anything ,it's a good thing . It means you are more often than not to be more in tune with others feelings . It means you are more compassionate than most ,this is a very good thing to be .
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
MellyMel22 · F
No, don’t listen to him. Some fathers think they’re doing the right thing saying things like that- but they’re wrong!

No. We are the true strong ones. Don’t listen to him.
Nah. My dad did the same shit to me growing up and so did my coaches. Now that I think about it, they were the weakest ones for being afraid to show emotion or express themselves
Fernie · F
@Insomniac100 100 hearts for this one!!!
pedrohedgerow · 61-69, M
@Insomniac100 nutshelled it 👍️
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
One does not necessarily follow the other. I'm assuming he means emotionally weak.
Fernie · F
@DeWayfarer How many meanings does "sensitivity" have?
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Fernie Strength of character, for one the non traditional sensitivity characteristics.
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Fernie · F
Your Dad is a troglodyte...thinking you are weak because you are a sensitive man. Males like him are usually sexist when it comes to women and accuse sensitive men of being weak "like a woman"...let me tell you...males are still told by society...and other males, that expressing feelings is weak....that is one big reason males are responsible for so much of the violence in this world.....that's how they "express their feelings" instead of being able to just be human. Please don't listen to your father. What we need in this world are more men who aren't afraid to feel their feelings and to express them in a healthy way
RainbowBlood · 22-25, M
@Fernie thank you for your kind words. I love my father, sometimes he just puts me down. He doesn’t do it to my sisters at all, but he does it to my mother. He compares me to her all the time so in a way you are correct. He is very forward thinking in other ways, just not in this one I guess. But I have been talking my feelings through with him lately so hopefully I will get through to him eventually.
Fernie · F
@RainbowBlood Continue to love your Dad...but DO not take on his mindset. These are YOUR times, not his...when he was your age he did not know what you know. He was taught the limited ways he thinks. You are much more sophisticated and in touch with life than he was. I would not expect to change him...that probably won't happen...if it does it will take a very long time. Besides....all the Women I know are delighted when they find a strong and sensitive man.
It means you are sensitive.. Your dad shouldn't bully you . Guys dont have to act macho all the time . Its absurd and superficial