I make what I think are real friends, but they all end up doing something to destroy my trust. So, I enjoy just spending time with my husband. He's my one and only true friend.☺
Tminus6453 · M
As you get older it is, people have their own lives.. ie:families... all my closest friends are people ive know for over 20+ years

Yes and i think it's only got harder the older i've got.

@SW-User I have noticed the same thing. Everyone is so wrapped up in their own lives/families/kids.

@SW-User Yes, that's exactly what i have found too. People my age generally just want to be acquaintances and maybe meet up for a coffee once a month for a few minutes etc. They're too busy with their family lives for much more.
Dusty101 · F
I have one best friend... He's a man.
I've Never had any girl best friend and I'd love one.
After watching "miss you already" the movie recently it got me thinking.
I have one best friend... He's a man.
I've Never had any girl best friend and I'd love one.
After watching "miss you already" the movie recently it got me thinking.

@Dusty101 I know how you feel and I feel the same way. I used to have a best girlfriend, but it was years ago and we had a major falling out. I'd known her since the second grade. I have a hell of a time making friends because I've moved around the country so much.
Dusty101 · F
@SW-User awwwe... That must be hard.
I make friends easily. But they go all odd on me!
I make friends easily. But they go all odd on me!
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
I think some people tend to make a chore out of it ... It's like being at a party, you just circulate and chat until you find someone that shares your interests ... You aren't always going to find them, but once you do it takes mutual respect etc for a friendship to grow .. I also believe it didn't matter how nice a person you are, not everyone is going to like you... And that's ok, we all have free choice in such matters
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
For me it is... basically impossible.
Being one's own real friend is the toughest of all. If that is accomplished successfully, every one around is a friend.
This message was deleted.
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
Yes... they are never as easy to as the directions...
Insert tab a1 into d3 and use part g to fasten to parts b and w
Insert tab a1 into d3 and use part g to fasten to parts b and w
Fernie · F
Lately yes. Everyone seems to be Bi Polar

@Fernie :( It's tough when you are so desperate to feel better, only to get jerked around by a doctor trying to make commission off of selling a new drug! I am sorry you went through it!
Fernie · F
@SW-User Lets just be grateful that we can't be manipulated anymore...so many just eat the pills without question.

@Fernie Yep!

not worth the effort, just make two/three if you can
Jibby · 56-60, C
They've always found me I never tried making them they just happen

It has been for me, my entire life
BrattyMel · 31-35, F
in10RjFox · M
Not really. As they say "it takes two to tango", our disposition and how we portray our disposition, will attract real friends. But we need to be on the lookout and seek.
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
I don't know. I kept to myself for years and only started making friends again this year. So far it seems great.

Yes. Ive been thinking about this a lot lately.
ChatterinSeuss · 61-69, M
you just answered your own question ..... just be real !!
GreenGoddess · F
It's the meeting new people part that's hard.
Endlesstime89 · 31-35, F
Always have been. I think I'm better off without them and they too with me lol.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
There seems to be a running theme here.

Yes, it is.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Yes, kind of.

nem16 · 36-40, M
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Dern near imposdible
BlueRain · 51-55, F
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Yes. I do rarely call people friends.

Yes. The times I’ve had real friends, one started as an enemy and another guessed we had similar shitty pasts (otherwise she likely would never have spoken to me). People I’ve tried connecting with tend to be aloof towards me.