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does anyone else sunburn super easily?

I went to a carnival today and I got completely burnt over the course of 4 hours. I have very fair skin, I always wear 100 SPF sunscreen at the beach and so forth, but it was just so chilly this morning I just didn't even think about putting on sunscreen. And now I'm reaping the benefits 👌 I just shouldn't have to bathe in Coppertone everytime I leave the house, you know?
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BlackWidow1990 · 31-35, F
Yah. I have the same problem. But, I know if I don't put it on, I'm suffering later. Sorry you're paying the price now.
76starships · 46-50, M
I get red just driving about town. I have to keep the sunroof closed or wear a hat.

Spf 100 is my friend.

I feel your pain.
ilonaeve · 26-30, F
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I don`t burn, I charbroil.
happilymarriedguy · 61-69, M
Yes I do.... My grandfather was 100% Swedish and I inherited my skin from him.... As a kid I wore a t-shirt when I went to the pool because I would burn that bad. I don't burn as bad, but again I am not out in the sun for much more than 1/2 hour
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
use a strong sunscreen i use coppertone sport
I do as well. Have had three skin cancers removed because of it
HeyITHAPPENS · 31-35, M
I know what you're saying lol! Had a day out at the lake this summer and only used 80spf and look like a freaking lobster. Had to keep the pictures because they crack me up.
mclovin02 · 41-45, M
Put me in directly sunlight for like 15-20 minutes and I'm going to come out sunburned.
Only on rare occasions do I sunburn
Not me, I come from a complex, shallow no doubt incestious gene pool from Europe, Russia and parts known.... My skin is naturally olive and tans very easily..
ilonaeve · 26-30, F
@Majorlatency I’m jealous!
@ilonaeve Don't be, it can be a problem sometimes coming through customs... 😎

Incidentally you have perfect skin!
Danez · M
I didn’t used to but lately yeah
SlickGracey · 41-45, F
Aww! Never let the temperature fool you; the sun doesn't care if it's cold or not.
Motosh72 · 51-55, M
Or, Aloe, at night! 😮
Valerian · 100+, M
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Let's see your sunburn

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