I refrained from saying anything to anyone because I'm pretty sure everyone will think I'm nuts
I've had a rough as hell last few years especially financially and luck wise. Since the beginning of this year everything has turned around big time. Crappy boss went bye bye got a new amazing boss in who really likes me, got a promotion and raise at work too. I've also had some unexpected windfalls happen to me in terms of money showing up in various sums, I had a debt erased completely by a non profit, my credit score went from being in the 640s all the way to 695 and everything is suddenly roses. I have a feeling all of this happened because I met and confided in someone who so happened to practice witchcraft. I know it sounds crazy as hell but I swear he did something because I swear to god and all things holy every single roadblock or problem that was there is gone or if something new arises it's bulldozed before I can break a sweat over it. I didn't beg him to do anything but somehow everything has come up roses and I can't explain it any other way. How can me with notoriously bad luck all of a sudden get so much good happening at once. I've been crapped on my entire life and suddenly I'm winning? How? I'm telling you something happened.