There is an ancient village near a volcano somewhere out there. I don't remember where.
These were some of the first humans to utilize agriculture to create a community rather than the hunter gatherer nomad lifestyle humans had been living for their entire existence beforehand.
Paintings they left behind and the structure of their village indicate that they lived almost an entirely egalitarian lifestyle.
No castes, no classes, just everyone working together to do what needed to be done to create a good standard of living for the times, for everyone.
I would like to have lived here.
These were some of the first humans to utilize agriculture to create a community rather than the hunter gatherer nomad lifestyle humans had been living for their entire existence beforehand.
Paintings they left behind and the structure of their village indicate that they lived almost an entirely egalitarian lifestyle.
No castes, no classes, just everyone working together to do what needed to be done to create a good standard of living for the times, for everyone.
I would like to have lived here.
originnone · 61-69, M
I read a book about a guy who went back to dinosaur days. He was bitten but there was no infection because the infectious organisms hadn't evolved yet.
N00dle · 26-30, F
Really interesting, do you happen to remember what's the name of the book?
Really interesting, do you happen to remember what's the name of the book?
originnone · 61-69, M
@N00dle I don't. I did some hunting around but couldn't find it. I believe it had a pink cover.
deadgerbil · 26-30
Being a megalodon hunting whales would be cool
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@touyatodoroki] 🤔though i was born in the sixties i would of like too of been adult in the swinging sixties
N00dle · 26-30, F
Why thou if may I know?
Why thou if may I know?
smiler2012 · 61-69
@N00dle jst seemed too be a good time to be in england then the music scene the all atmosphere of sixties england
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I think I'd be a bear way back before humans hunted bears. Mostly cause I like the idea of Hibernating undisturbed.
Djofull · 46-50, M
a Dane in 900 AD, raiding and sailing to write my own saga
Itsjustbrit · 26-30, F
I'm good, think I had enough life experience 😂
Strict4u · 56-60, M
I would go back to the old west and live like the cowboys like John Wayne
MrEagle · 41-45, M
I’d have been born in 1978.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Far future, when we have progressed beyond all the things I hate about today.
N00dle · 26-30, F
@DearAmbellina2113 in the future everything's chrome, Buy yes, I hope humankind progesses
NoGamesTolerated · F
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
It's hard to accept the ecocide.
I'd prefer not to be watching the middle class mow the yard and drive the truck to ecocide. But okay!!!
I'd prefer not to be watching the middle class mow the yard and drive the truck to ecocide. But okay!!!
Djac17 · 22-25, M
Oooo. That's a tough one. I would say 1910, the year my Grandpa was born, Yes. Grandpa. not Great Grandpa or Great Great. He was 52 (And my Grandma was 34, dude was old enough to be her daddy too) when my biological father was born, then my bio dad was 38 when i came along in 2001. Reason I say go back to 1910 is because damn, just a couple generations back an ancestor lived through both world wars, the depression, saw vietnam, jfk assasination, titanic sinking and all the world history that happened in th 1900s. He died in 1998 3 years before I was born
HermannFegelein · 26-30, M
I’d like to live in a future where there’s a cure for a genetic disorder I have. So far there’s only therapy
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N00dle · 26-30, F
@Birdman666 now, I like that idea

A parallel universe where humanity finished evolving into a benevolent and sustainable species that was not consistently destroying everything else around it as a daily norm for centuries
Ideally on an alternate Earth without any of the design flaws of Earth (no plate tectonics, no titled axis, orbiting a star that would stay the same size for eternity and not shoot CME's at the planet, etc., etc)
Ideally on an alternate Earth without any of the design flaws of Earth (no plate tectonics, no titled axis, orbiting a star that would stay the same size for eternity and not shoot CME's at the planet, etc., etc)
Lilnonames · F
Back in the 1960s
originnone · 61-69, M
@Lilnonames We could go to Woodstock together.
Lilnonames · F
@originnone I'd love it