I must have been absent on conditioning day. That everything happens for a reason stuff might make some people feel better and good for them but it’s a big load of horse hockey to me. 🐴
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Happy name day!
Convivial · 26-30, F
That's BS ...
A reason involves a plan and a plan involves a designer... And it just ain't so
A reason involves a plan and a plan involves a designer... And it just ain't so
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Nothing happens for a reason but there is a reason why everything happens.
NewBeginnings7790 · 41-45, F
Or because of misunderstandings
And happy name day!!! 🎉
And happy name day!!! 🎉
bijouxbroussard · F
I’ve absolutely never believed that. Although there may be direct or indirect causes, life is mostly a series of random events, occurring while people attempt to make plans.
Aww na'siseis
As does 'karma' thats bs too! 🙄