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Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@llittlebit, Something a memory or experience that you might think of as a trigger is involved but not really as just a trigger. You could have the exact same trigger in two people in the same type circumstances and one gets it but the other does not. There is something that happens which opens a person up to being receptive to that trigger for lack of a better word. There is no consensus as to what this "something" is but they all seem to agree that there is something there. Then after what ever that is something acts like a trigger to incorporate it into the template or love map. The random part is probably just the timing of when things happen and what stands out. And for those who have it is more than just a like, it is the most powerful erotic motivator they feel. I wish we had private messages I would share one of the specific explanations I have received. It is pretty complicated and can get more confusing when you see one person who has in interest in a fetish just because they think is kind of interesting and another person who actually has it, people don't really just how different the two cases are.
littlebit · 26-30, F
@BATOVN You're absolutely correct. I've learned much from people who seem opposite of me.
I'll go and check it out now :)
I'll go and check it out now :)
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
i REFUSE to do anything while a person is under that we havent discussed and agreed to before the induction, and youre NEVER completely out of awareness, and you are able to answer questions and as far as seeing images or past events...not unless you want to go that direction. Hypnosis is an ALTERED state of consciousness....your subconscious mind is aware and active and your conscious mind is basically just blank and unattentive...thats the easiest way to explain it. have you ever driven somewhere and not remembered some or all of the trip?....or stared at something and had to shake yourself lose
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@littlebit, Must be a lot to those private messages they still don't have them open. I is kind of a pain to have to run two programs this one and yahoo in case someone wants to chat. I sometimes use the disposable rooms which are deleted when you are done but even that you would probably want to send a link in a private message or add a password the other person knows.
Still a cool site for self expression and self exploration. :)
Still a cool site for self expression and self exploration. :)
1961dave · 61-69, M
My thoughts and opinions are always honest, and me being myself, unless it's just me joking.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I have a little but talked and talked a lot with some who have and read a lot of things on line in certain areas. Ended up writing a story about a psychological expression you see here, all the fetish stuff and what causes it. I don't really know how good it is but a couple of people who saw it on another site and should know said it contains a lot of accurate stuff.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
littlebit not being an expert I am not that great at explaining things but to simplify when you are very young a template of or the foundation of what you will later find sexually attractive is laid down. It is not sexual to you and you don't even realize it is happening but none the less connections are made that will come alive when you hit puberty. When this happens sometimes for rather complicated reasons gets attached or included. When this happens and your sexuality wakes up instead of just forming thoughts and fantasy of how you would interact with a mate you also form thoughts and fantasies around what ever that was that long ago had a connection, that is where the fetish comes from.
diablo · 51-55, M
@littebit The PMs will surely open soon... with a promotion you can't resist.... FREEEEEEEEEEEE TACOOOOOOOOOS!!!!!!!!!!! :D
As for hypnosis, have you bee following Solar Impulse 2, the solar-powered plane that's flying across the US (it's in PHX right now)? The pilots are using self-hypnosis on the looooooooong flights. Check it out at www.solarimpulse.com
As for hypnosis, have you bee following Solar Impulse 2, the solar-powered plane that's flying across the US (it's in PHX right now)? The pilots are using self-hypnosis on the looooooooong flights. Check it out at www.solarimpulse.com
littlebit · 26-30, F
@Subsumedpat Don't worry, it's not you, it's me but thanks, much more easier to understand now.
Ok, so I tend to think that there are triggers behind things. So, I think certain events take place which triggers certain likes and dislikes. You believe that a template is just randomly set? Correct me if im wrong. I can't completely dismiss that because I'm sitting here thinking about why I like the things I like and not sure what could have triggered them, so ,you may be right...
Very complicated topic though.
Ok, so I tend to think that there are triggers behind things. So, I think certain events take place which triggers certain likes and dislikes. You believe that a template is just randomly set? Correct me if im wrong. I can't completely dismiss that because I'm sitting here thinking about why I like the things I like and not sure what could have triggered them, so ,you may be right...
Very complicated topic though.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
it can help with focus....it can help with stress, anxiety, migraines, you can work with it to help break habits or sleep better, to overcome things like agoraphobia, and fears of things......the level pf help is really determined by the subject as to what they WANT it to do and if they ARE CONVINCED that its gonna work and help
littlebit · 26-30, F
@BATOVN Ok. I see. To answer your question, yes! Many times. But usually, I'm using my imagination and thinking about something. But, ive definitely had those moments where I didnt seem to be thinking about anything and I sure wasn't interested in the object I was staring at.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
differences are good they sharpen both people and hopefully develop tolerance and understanding ....i dont believe that we have to agree on everything to be friends. i would LOVE to talk about the various things ive researched.....i have one of the subjects on my profile...if youre interested
littlebit · 26-30, F
@BATOVN Lol... I got it.
littlebit · 26-30, F
I understand exactly what you mean about being too embarrased about asking about some things. That's what prevents a lot of people from spreading the truth which usually leads to no solution.
I want to become something like a psychologist too actually.
I understand exactly what you mean about being too embarrased about asking about some things. That's what prevents a lot of people from spreading the truth which usually leads to no solution.
I want to become something like a psychologist too actually.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
im not worried about who i offend so much as i am pretty conservative and i dont like "battling" with others.....i dont condemn others for their beliefs and i dont expect to be for mine....i have researched a lot of behavior and other things revolvo=ing around the mind...its FASCINATING!!!
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I could do some thoughts but some I am too embarrassed to ask about and the behavior they cause. I think it is fascinating to try to understand why we do and think the things we do, I bet being a psychologist would be interesting.
diablo · 51-55, M
Now that story hearts are open (pun intended), all your stories have been hearted. Hopefully, that individual will be rewarded with free tacos for their monumental effort. :D
littlebit · 26-30, F
Interesting topic. I read your analysis. Kinda confusing for someone like me so you'll have to simplify it for me, lol.
I tried to think about it myself. Couldn't really come up with much except that what ever object they have a fetish for could possibly relate back to someone they find sexually attractive. Like a reminder of that person. Not sure though.
Interesting topic. I read your analysis. Kinda confusing for someone like me so you'll have to simplify it for me, lol.
I tried to think about it myself. Couldn't really come up with much except that what ever object they have a fetish for could possibly relate back to someone they find sexually attractive. Like a reminder of that person. Not sure though.
littlebit · 26-30, F
@BATOVN Yeah, I have a few questions.
The only thing I'd be concerned about is what will happen while im under hypnosis. I won't see things, will I?
Can you explain what will happen?
Have you ever been hypnotized?
The only thing I'd be concerned about is what will happen while im under hypnosis. I won't see things, will I?
Can you explain what will happen?
Have you ever been hypnotized?
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
i am of the idea that if im open and honest i dont have to figure out who i told what to. would love to chat and share opinions on stuff and discuss various topics ........
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
I hope so too......well im older so i have a lot more topics to discuss.....history, music, i try to stay away from politics......lol....hobbies, funny or odd topics....the mind, and behavior of people....
diablo · 51-55, M
@littlebit This was such a grrrrrrrreat topic and thread! Muchas gracias, mi amiga, for posting this story! :)
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
ive done a ton of hypnosis over skype in addition to in person.......ive even taught a few people HOW to do hypnosis....we can discuss any of it you want to
littlebit · 26-30, F
@Subsumedpat I haven't studied any psychology so I guess I'm just naturally gifted. Lol. I guess you can just say I'm someone who observes a lot. Have you?
littlebit · 26-30, F
@BATOVN Ahhh, ok. We're different. Lol.
Hopefully, the PM's open soon to you can tell me about what you've researched. Lol.
Hopefully, the PM's open soon to you can tell me about what you've researched. Lol.
littlebit · 26-30, F
@BATOVN I like to think they're going to open that feature soon. Lol.
I guess we can at least discuss the topics we like to speak on the most. You can start :)
I guess we can at least discuss the topics we like to speak on the most. You can start :)
littlebit · 26-30, F
@BATOVN Cool. I'm kinda into politics though. Lol. If it's bc you don't want to offend anyone, no worries. I don't mind.
I'm definitely into human behavior and our minds so we'll get along :)
I'm definitely into human behavior and our minds so we'll get along :)
littlebit · 26-30, F
@BATOVN Yeah, we can. I'm sure there's a lot to explain.
But, I have a quick question. How does it help people?
But, I have a quick question. How does it help people?
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
ive been doing it over 22 years....not as a profession but as a form of helping others........we can kick it around sometime if you wish to....or not...your call....but the mind is an amazing thing!!
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Have you taken classes in it or just study some on your own or just natural gifted in uncovering things behind thoughts.
littlebit · 26-30, F
Hypnosis eh? Interesting. That's a topic I've never touched on.
Hypnosis eh? Interesting. That's a topic I've never touched on.
littlebit · 26-30, F
@Sumsumedpat Ok. I see. I see where I messed up. The pms should be opening soon...I would think.
littlebit · 26-30, F
@BATOVN I agree. We can chat but I do prefer through PM.
eroticawriter · 46-50, M
I would love to chat with you and share thoughts, and opinions.
littlebit · 26-30, F
@BATOVN I'm great. It's Saturday. I'm just relaxing. :p You?
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
pretty much the same.......tried to do as little as possible today....lol
littlebit · 26-30, F
@eroticawriter Ok. Well, i'd prefer to have convo in PM's so hopefully they get that feature set up and open soon.
littlebit · 26-30, F
Ahhh, ok. Definitely something I could try out :)
littlebit · 26-30, F
@BATOVN I typed it in. Claims the site doesn't exist. Lol.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
answermug..........try it in the search bar not the http bar
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
i totally agree........are you on answermug by chance?
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
i prefer pm as well.......how ya figure we gonna do that....LOL...:)
littlebit · 26-30, F
@BATOVN Awaiting approval now.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
littlebit · 26-30, F
@BATOVN I'll sign up. I don't mind, lol.
eroticawriter · 46-50, M
I have dealt with many things in life. I have very thick skin.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
hows my new friend tonight?
littlebit · 26-30, F
littlebit · 26-30, F
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