Do you ever look at someones avatar on the phone and think it's simething completely different than it is?They're so small sometimes it's hard to tell at a glance.
Anyone who doesn't believe the refugees are a problem need to watch the video in Voyelle's thread It's truly shocking!
I remember when NASCAR driver Sterling Marlin wrecked into the car of JesusActually I think he was sending him a message to get moving. Jesus Hernandez just had a slower car I think. That race was in the Ammonia belt, it was in Nashville.
Did anyone see the escaped prisoners on the news?One of the guys has some big face tattoos, he can shave, but he's not gonna change the fact that he's very recognizable. He should not have bothered to escape, lol!
I Would Like To Make An AnnouncementI went off on someone that I would gladly go off on again who was Shit talking Trump. Decembersong01 who is a Liberal sheep went off on me after that. She must ne some sort of admin because she is threatening to suspend my account. If it gets... See More »
What the Hell?!!!I'm sitting on the Shitter at Walmart, excuse me, the crapier! Anyway of course out if the three stalls open the next guy that comes in takes the stall next to me, ASSHOLE! Any way this guy is talking in his cell phone and some of his words are a... See More »
A pet peeve of mine, someone knocking on the stall door of a public restroom.WTF?! It happens so often, if someone pulls on the door and it's locked they knock. What the Hell are they thinking? Oh, someone wants to use the restroom I guess I better stop Shitting!! Anyone that knocks on the door has serious problems thinking!
Why are people ripped off everytime they buy a turkey. Disapointed eaters everywhere!I can't remember the last time I saw a turkey come with the nipples still on it!!