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Am I in the wrong here? 😕

So I’ve only been dating my bf for a few weeks now.
And he wants to meet my parents and my mom wants to meet him too…
But I’m a bit hesitant because these past few months my relationship with my mom hasn’t been exactly the best
(long story )

😕 My dad tells me that whenever I’m comfortable introducing them then that’s fine. He doesn’t really care as long as he’s treating me right ( which he definitely is ☺️) For some reason my mom is demanding to meet him, she thinks that he had to ask for their permission first in order to even date me ( she’s very old school) which I understand but I’m not hung up on it

Any advice? Am I overthinking things? 😕
Not overthinking things at all. You’re a grown woman who should be the one who determines if/when you introduce your partner to your parents.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@iamonfire696 it’s ok mami, I’ve learned to just deal with it
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Ashly I hate that you have had too 🩷
Ashly · 26-30, F
@iamonfire696 I’ll be ok 👍🏻😊
Thank you 🫶🏻🥹
Ultimately it's you in this relationship. I understand your mom wants to meet him and probably even feels entitled to meet him on her terms. As a mom though, my beautiful bestie. You are perfectly in your rights to decide when the time is right for you. Just talk to them both and tell them you're not comfortable yet
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Bexsy thank you bestie ♥️
It will be easier for me to convince him to forget about this than her. Once she gets her mind on something it’s nearly impossible to get her off ☹️
Pfuzylogic · M
Your Mom is an awful lot like mine.
My mother practically ruined a long term girlfriend of my brother’s because of the way she treated her. Your Mom is not entitled to meet your boyfriend until YOU are ready especially if you see long term potential with this lucky guy!
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Pfuzylogic oh no 🫣
I’m sorry you had to deal with that growing up 😕

You’re right, I’ll know when I’m ready to introduce them. And it won’t be anytime soon
If you are not comfortable tell your mom and boyfriend that. You are not overthinking it.
@Ashly you have our support here and your dad.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Sojournersoul thank you papi 🥹 Yea I need to tell him to check his woman 😂
@Ashly yes you do. 🤣🤣
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Ashly · 26-30, F
@geoam1 maybe soon but I know right now’s not the right time 😕
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Ashly · 26-30, F
@geoam1 thank you papi ☹️
I hope she doesn’t go overboard like she usually does
Elessar · 26-30, M
Trust your feelings, if the idea makes you uncomfortable it's definitely not the time yet
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Elessar I know 😕
Maybe soon but not right now
GinPanda · 26-30, F
You can't win in this situation so you just have to do what is most correct for you. In my opinion only, you should find the proper timing and tell you mother that you love her and love that she wants to meet your new friend and you cannot wait to do that when the timing is more correct in the relationship but that time isn't right now. Your dad seems to be level, take him as a partner.
Best of luck, good energy your way.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Do it on your time not others
Ashly · 26-30, F
@TheRascallyOne I know papi
Thank you 🥹
Your MOM, is correct.

YOU are her baby.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@WalterHoeReally I appreciate your honesty 😅
Domking · 61-69, M
remember what Boney M had said "Mommy , Mommy Cool"
Let her cool down, and your mind he relaxed about her , then bring the two together.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Does he know how she treats you? If he doesn’t now is the time to tell him. It’s got nothing to do with him but everything to do with your Mom and setting boundaries.

I am certain he would be supportive of you 🩷.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@iamonfire696 I should warn him and tell him how she can get 😕
Thank you 🫶🏻🥹
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Ashly it might be helpful 🩷
Ashly · 26-30, F
@iamonfire696 you’re always so sweet to me, it means a lot to me 🥹
Lilnonames · F
Let him come meet bring your mom flowers and apologize and ask if he can date you. Go out to dinner and move on
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Lilnonames yea basically 😒😂
Lilnonames · F
@Ashly hope it be OK nighty night ash ley I think your so sweet💋
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Lilnonames thank you mami ♥️🫶🏻🥹 Goodnight and have a wonderful nights sleep 😴
empanadas · 31-35, M
He might be traditional himself. The fact you asked this means you aren't ready yet. Let him know, he will most likely understand.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@empanadas I know I’m not ready yet ☹️ Ill let him know tomorrow and tell him how uncomfortable it’s making me feel
Workerbee · 31-35, M
Sounds like your mom should chill a bit it should be when you’re ready not her

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