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Anyone else over the Olympics already??

Honestly, I couldnt care less. With everything else going on in the world and the Hoo Haa about cheating and drugs and the security and the fact its in Paris.... Who gives a 💩??😷
Elessar · 26-30, M
My itch is that they're funded with public money. If there's something that should be entirely private and funded by advertisers and such, is sports.

We're going to retire at 70+ and we're losing critical services (education, healthcare first and foremost), but rest assured the billions to throw at these financial blackholes (worst of all, to build infrastructure that will be used literally a couple of days and then left to rot) is always found.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
@Ynotisay OK saying the 'lifespan is days' is an exaggeration but the funding doesn't exist to maintain these facilities so they decay as an asset much more quickly than a facility planned and budgeted for for community use. There is the argument that both could apply Games and Community but the reality is it does not.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Ynotisay From what I've been reading, the costs are usually much greater than the returns.

The facilities generally are abandoned immediately after the games are over, and don't get converted for community use. Transportation, tourism and housing can all be improved / invested into, by allocating even more resources for them if you don't have to host the games.
Ynotisay · M
@Elessar A couple have been. Sarajevo is an example. But that's typically around winter venues that don't see the visitors and training as much as others. But a winter venue like Lake Placid has done extraordinarily well. But it seems you kind of want to see the bad of the Olympics and I don't. I have a background working with Olympic athletes so I'm all in. But you're in Italy? From what I read the Turin Games, which were very successful, cost about 4. billion EUR all together and generated more than $19 Billion for the Italian economy. And it's still a huge sports training city. I think it worked out pretty well for them.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I keep going back to it, but during the soccer match the commentators were talking about the fake grass and what you have to do to maintain it, and I switched off literally and figuratively.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Thevy29 And I FINALLY got around to watching Game of Thrones...........😷
I don't care about sports, and doping is an issue. I have no idea what it taking place in Paris has to do with interest though.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
I have lost most of my interest in all sport really. Once you get away from it, it's importance fades.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@JimboSaturn I agree. Sport is about participation.😷
smiler2012 · 56-60
@whowasthatmaskedman 🤔i agree i hate athletics at school 🤷‍♂️fair enough there are other disciplines too but i have not one slightest interest
GeniUs · 56-60, M
I love athletics but it's been tainted for me by UKA the British selection committee who are only sending 35 athletes, 2 of whom had officially retired! Some of the others are in poor form whilst those in form are being overlooked. There has been a whole load of nonsensical rhetoric from the Chairman of UKA but I think he should resign over this, it's almost as if he doesn't have a CLUE BEYONG HEADLINE PERFORMERS.
Someone who still uses "I couldn't care less" is what caught my eye!

I literally dropped dead when I saw that!

😁 (just funnin' wit ya)
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@phuckoffNuno Have you actually seen the first series of Game of Thrones?? 😳
I never cared about it my whole life actually
eli1601 · 70-79, M
I was over the Olympics in 1972
Carlam · 70-79, F
While it’s understandable to feel overwhelmed by the surrounding issues, the Olympics can still be a beacon of unity and inspiration. It’s a chance for people from diverse backgrounds to come together, celebrate human achievement, and find moments of joy and hope.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
As a Marine Johannes fan, I'm hoping to be able to see the French Women's Basketball Team, but that's about it.
Illyria · M
Gotta love the Cauldron though!
SandWitch · 26-30, F
I've always been an aquatic athlete myself, but there's a certain amount of insecurity that lurks behind one's desire to compete in the Olympics against other people who are just as insecure about their athletic performance, which is why they're all there in the first place. They all want someone else to tell them through the awarding of a medal, that they meet someone else's standard or approval of performance when judged against others who are at different levels of personal performance at all times. From the outset then, it's never a level playing field when competing against someone else.

But the bottom line is, someone's standard or approval of performance that is imposed onto other athletes is totally irrelevant at the end of the day and those who compete at the Olympics end up coming home, perhaps with a medal, but are not left feeling any more secure about their athletic ability or themselves, than they were when they first arrived at the Olympic village in the first place.

After all, the gold medal is based on someone else's opinion who isn't necessarily an athlete! Who then gives a shitt what they think? What relevance then does a gold medal have? None actually. Why then do people compete for gold medals? Why then do people come home sad and feeling diminished if they only bring home silver or bronze?

It's all about the 'gold', but a gold medal which is not really made of gold, is only awarded just like the silver and bronze, but of itself, a gold medal has no inherent meaning OTHER THAN the meaning we assign to it. A concrete statue of a soldier sitting on a horse has as much inherent meaning as an Olympic medal of any color. The meaning it has is the meaning we assign to it in the moment.
tenente · 100+, M
i forgot about the olympics lol
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Jimbo1 Nope I'm over Trump too. And close to being over America..😷
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Ynotisay · M
@Ynotisay Ah. Got your little laughy face. I was right, huh? You've never competed, or done anything truly physical, in your life, right? And that's fine. But slamming others who do? And succeed at the highest level? That's just lame.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Ynotisay You goofed there. I actually owe more to the Olympics personally than most people. My father was a support member of the British Olympic team for the Melcbourne Olypmics in 1956 and we travelled to Melbourne with him and moved into the atheletes accomodations after they went home and became migrants here.. No one is saying people shouldnt try to excell. But we have gone way beyond amateur sport here. There are nor multi million dollar teams and sports training operations to glorify the nations for politics. Do I need to mention the Chinese swimmers and their drugs? Or maybe the Bottles of Coca Cola front and centre in every news conference??😷
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