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seabirds · 36-40, F
Let's just see this way if you keep on living for someone betterment,do each and everything for them even you don't respect them , ,don't validate their presence or just utter a single word of gratitude...how will u feel?! It's obvious you will stop doing it or either looose your devotion but GOd don't do that untill your last day...GOd listen yo us ,see us ,see our souls ,mind everything..it's belief which u have to feel in a for mf spirituality when you chose incorrect path or way even for yourself,your health,or your beliefs or for others creatures and beings around you..but they keep on providing you many many things like your entire body systems, sun ,moon, relationships , happiness etc etc.. it's not just about loving them.... It's loving and staying humble with each human and other nature creations here ....there are almost million things which we can not control ..GOD is doing for us ....we have granted with brain and senses to use for benefits for us and earth but we are not doing it..we are ungrateful..we can't survive if our respiratory system collapse in a minute...
I know it's long reply but I hope Ii help somehow 😊.. take care

This is so very true. If some wish to blame God, curse him, laugh at, mock him, and tell him they want nothing to do with him, though it will break his heart that they wouldn't accept his perfect Plan of Salvation to save them, he'll do as they ask.

GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
This is so very true.

Amen, sister, amen!! 👍 👍
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
I am sorry but I dont believe in hell . They say god is the almighty good and forgiving etc god . So if there is a heaven everyone would go there , as if they didnt then the church has been preaching lies since time in eternity . This is why I am not a believer . Who wants to believe in a sadistic god that sends sinners to hell allows kids to be killed tortured etc allows people to die from painful diseases etc . Sorry but thats not the sort of god I want to believe in . I believe there was a creator and life after this earthly life and if our creator is all powerful etc there isnt a hell we are living it and heaven is the life after our earthly life .
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@originnone Yeah.... Jim Morrison
pontius pilot did not live at the same time as jesus according to history and its says his parents moved during a population count that was proved wrong so he wasnt born in a barn in a manger just 2 of loads of errors.

The only errors are yours. What nonsense you're trying to hand people here. None of your facts are biblical. Read your Bible.
Sharon · F
@GodSpeed63 You lie so often you don't even know you're doing it. If you weren't so arrogant I might even feel sorry for you. :(
Why would an all loving and powerful god set the trap in garden?

Much akin to leaving a bowl of candy in front of a group of children and telling them don’t touch it…then leaving the room..

If the experiment failed in the garden then we are all dead anyway..

No matter of the “sacrifice “ that wasn’t a sacrifice..

Believe what you want.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 Yup.... and for how many years was that 'word' voiced down from generation to generation and NOBODY ever would have made a mistake by saying "forbade" rather than "instructed" - if you're a LITERALIST then you live by the bible?? If so, then why would Jesus teach us (speaking of our prayer to God), "Lead us not into temptation..." Do you follow a god who you would pray to NOT to lead you into temptation?? So... mistakes in 'the word' can be made!
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Yup.... and for how many years was that 'word' voiced down from generation to generation and NOBODY ever would have made a mistake

Has it ever occurred to you why we call it 'The Word of God?' Read 2 Timothy 3:16 & 2 Peter 19-21.
@GodSpeed63 which version?
A truly loving God would allow people in hell to be saved if they chose to do so. Arbitrarily cutting people off at death with an eternal prohibition against salvation is not the action of a loving God, whose mercy should be infinite. 1 Corinthians 13:12 says that our knowledge here on earth is imperfect, so if some people don't make the right decision based on incomplete information, not allowing them to correct it later is arbitrarily cruel and unfair.
@GodSpeed63 Not according to scripture.

Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. Micah 7:18. Punishment is not eternal.

Whoever says a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. Matthew 12:32. Why would Jesus say this sin is never forgiven, not even in the age to come, unless some sins are forgiven "in the age to come?"

In the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10-11. "Every" means everyone.

For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, in which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, because they formerly did not obey. 1 Peter 3:18-20. Souls in hell will be saved.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M

The Truth.
Sharon · F
@GodSpeed63 You're going to be in serious trouble when you meet Odin, as you will one day.
People who put their trust in God before Christ is in heaven.

So every religious person who lived before Jesus is in heaven? Including pagans, idol worshippers, and other people who never heard of the God of the Bible?

What about people who never heard of Jesus over the past 2000 years? It's only within the last few centuries that Christianity has at least become known. But if you are a typical person in a Muslim or Buddhist or Hindu country, you're not going to get much information about Jesus. So you're saying, as long as those people follow their religion sincerely, they go to heaven? But the moment a missionary shows up and says "Jesus saves," if they don't immediately convert, they go to hell?

I won't respond to your last sentence as you clearly aren't capable of understanding what I'm saying, so I won't waste any more time trying to explain it.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
o every religious person who lived before Jesus is in heaven?

You need to get religion off the brain. It's not what I said.
@GodSpeed63 So answer, what happened to people who lived before Jesus, and what happens to people who lived after him but never heard of him?
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
This is a Warning as to what Satan and the Dark Forces are up to. Regarding the Covid-19
vaccine, these people are not stupid, they are EVIL! My younger brother who is also a servant
of YHWH brought this to my attention. His mission and purpose in life is to bring to light the
TRUTH about what the Dark Ones are up to. He came across a website by a woman who is
also a servant of YHWH; the site is https://karenkingston.substack.com/; here is a sample:
While more than 265 million Americans were injected withgene-editing bioweapon nanotechnologiesas part of the largest global-criminal-biological experiment on humans in history,our trusted experts are denying us the right to use the termsbioweaponandgene-editing nanotechnologiesso that we are unable to even comprehend these crimes, nevermind prosecute Pfizer.
Are the terms ‘bioweapon’ and ‘nanotechnology’ being mocked because the actual desired outcome is tonevercompletely remove the mRNA bioweapons from our communities and toneverprosecute Pfizer?
Are Trusted Experts Invested in Humanity or Transhumanism?
Big Pharma, biotech, and other organizations and individuals who are invested in this gene-editing nanotechnology refer to this demonic invention as ‘mRNA vaccines’ or gene therapies only because no one would have ever agreed otherwise to be ‘vaccinated’ if they were told that the shots contained gene-editing nanotechnologies.
March 18, 2023: It was decided years ago to lie to global citizens about the end-game use of gene-editing nanotechnologies and the convergence of the digital world with the human body. Biotechnology is quite literally the science of turning technology into new life forms and
Read full story
If one credible mRNA expert would be honest with the American people and tell the world that they were NOT injected with an ‘mRNA vaccine’, but that they were injected with agene-editing bioweapon nanotechnologies, I believe humanity would wake up to the fact that we were all unknowingly forced into the largest criminal human experiment ever conducted in the history of mankind. Forcing permanent non-human biological andmechanical genetic mutations to the human genomeis not ethical.
If left unstopped, transhumanism (or Directed Evolution) and the use of mRNA technology will lead to the creation of new biodigital chimeric species and the extinction of the human species. mRNA technology is not for the benefit of humanity. mRNA nanoparticle technologies are weapons of mass destruction.
Sharethis informationwith law enforcement and local government to have the COVID-19 injections removed from your community.
DEMAND: Immediately Stop Access to COVID-19 Injections Across All Florida Counties
MAY 22

I recommend that you go to her website and really read the info.

Isa 54:17
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against
thee in judgement thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of YHWH, and their
righteousness is of me, saith YHWH.

Love, Light and Peace,
originnone · 61-69, M
Oh yeah...I'm just dying to spend eternity in a fiery pit.
originnone · 61-69, M
@Sharon I can't remember honestly. I do remember taking exception to a lot of what Dawkins said. It think he's angry and bitter, so I'm not a big fan of his. That doesn't really make me believe anything else, but the spaghetti monster things was pretty over the top. There's no reason to insult people who believe just because you can make an argument....
Sharon · F
@originnone I find Richards Dawkins' writing style quite pleasant. Have you met him? He's very easy to talk to as well. I don't find him angry or bitter at all althought, considering all the hate maile he's received from christians, I could well understand if he were. He's published some of it in at least one of his books, possibly The God Delusion but I'm not sure now.

but the spaghetti monster things was pretty over the top.
What do you mean that? There is just as much real evidence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as there is of any other god. Maybe the universe was created by the FSM - can doubter prove it wasn't. Maybe it was created by Odin from the remains of the Frost Giants -

There's no reason to insult people who believe just because you can make an argument.
I agree. It a pity christians don't. Even their bible claims those who don't believe in their god are fools ( Psalms 14:1)

I presume christians follow the doctrine of "Do unto others..." Therefore, when they insult others there is an implied request that others insult them. Maybe they're trying to make the prediction in Matthew 10:22 come true. I'm happy to accede to their request in that endeavour.
Sharon · F
@originnone You can listen to Richard Dawkins reading some of the hate mail he's received here - https://www.buzzfeed.com/bradesposito/dawkins-m8 You can see his attitude to it too.
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
That's true but:
Ps 49:14
Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them ; and the upright shall have
dominion over them in the morning...
Pro 5:5
Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.
Mt 10:28 23:33
...but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Mk 9:48
Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
2 Pet 2:4
For YHWH spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell...

Zech 3:2
And YHWH said unto Satan, I rebuke thee, O Satan...
Mt 4:10 16:23
...Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, THOU SHALT WORSHIP YHWH THY GOD, AND
Rom 16:20
And YHWH of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet...
2 Thess 2:8
And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom YHWH shall consume with the spirit of
his mouth...
Rev 12:9
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth
the whole world...
Love, Light and Peace,
TrashCat · M

More Christian verbal contortionism to explain the ludicrous ambiguity of their faith and the existence of "God"
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M

Prove it.
originnone · 61-69, M
@TrashCat salami
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
In the late 1990's, after much prayer and pouring out all the love that I could muster to
God and the Angels, and reading all through the Keys, I was reading in the section of
Key 3-0-9 about physical biosatellites up to fifty miles in length and twelve miles in
diameter that will house the millions of emigrants that will proceed to other physical planets.
And there was much said about the wonderfull amenities regarding these ships. And he said these
are the advanced gifts reserved for the physical "elect" who have proved worthy of the Kingdom of
the Father and who have been preserved in physical bodies to work with the technology of
the Higher Evolution. Some will be "gardeners" and "caretakers" of the earths and the regions
of the lower heavens. And while I was thinking boy I hope that includes me, all of a sudden
I heard a low frequency crackeling sound and from the very marrow of my bones, I saw tiny
bright pulsating diamonds of Light protruding out of my arms and as they reached my skin,
they got larger and larger until they were surrounding my entire body. And they were all
different colors; blue, yellow, gold, white and crystal clear. And I felt the Great Love
of the Father; so intense was this Love; and the Power was beyond belief. And I was so
excited, I didn't know what to do with my self. I experienced for a moment the eternity
domain. And it wasn't until two months or so when I moved to upstate New York, the
finger lakes region, and I was studing with a woman who was a double Michael fragment who
had the gift of communicating with the High Ones as she put it, Michael, Metatron, and
others who told me that the pulsating diamonds of Light were Angels. And then I realized
that I was in no need of physical ships for I come from the Angelic Realm. And at around the
same time I experienced the Angels, I received in my third eye through telethought communication,
a clear picture of the lower third part of a bicycle with a woman's boot on the petals. And
I didn't understand what that meant. Jumping foward to the finger lakes while I was in a Hebrew
book store, I came across a pamphlet, that stated that the definition of Ophanim, was "bicycle."

The Ophanim are the messengers of Light from the higher heavens of the Father, uniquely placed
at the crossroads of space, as the network for governing and implanting "new realization."
When the prophets of the ancient civilizations made contact with the higher worlds, invariably
the contact was made through the Ophanim messengers of Light. The Ophanim carefully select
individuals in each of the planetary societies who have the ability of prophethood and carry
the understanding of the higher creation.
They supervise the crucial aspects of growth within hiearchical ranks of the heavens and
protect the higher teachings from falling into the hands of the lesser forces of Light, and
from the rebellious brotherhoods, who do not serve the Father's Hierarchy of Light.
Therefore' the Ophanim guide the thought-forms from the Father's Thrones and Dominions into
proper levels of instruction.
There is also a distinct aspect of the Ophanim's work which is synonymous with "Wheels-within-
Wheels, the appearance force of the Merkabah as it comes into physical manifestation. The
Ophanim are closely identified with the Merkabah which is used to announce the Cosmic Law
of YHWH and bring scripture to the lower planetary worlds.
The Ophanim also make the Merkabah available to the other Orders of Higher Intelligence
so as to carry out specific functions:
to guide men to the know-
ledge of the Infinite Way;
to minister to disembodied
entities on the physical
and spiritual planets;
to protect man from belief
systems which are incon-
sistent with the Love and
Light of the Cosmic Law;
to guard mankind from the
extraterrestrial intelli-
gences that would radi-
cally change the balance
and flow design between
kingdoms of creation;
to regenerate and resurrect
the faithful remnant of a
"seed creation" when the
powers of Michael and
Christ converge to bring
one design of creation
into the "new heavens"
of YHWH.
There are several Orders of Ophanim extending from the Higher Evolutionary Orders to the
Princely Ophanim who dispatch the Mid-Way programmers to govern the lower heavens.
There are also special Orders of Ophanim who command the 'Deca-Delta' ( Ten Light emanations
working through a pyramidal conic section which arranges the blueprint of life. In relation-
ship to the 'divine recorder cell,' a unique pyramidal energy network formed by ten
Light superscripts of the Divine Mind. The network is an energy habitat for Sephirothic
life forms which issue forth from each level of higher universal substance to form the
olam yihud, the world of unifications. The manifold of energy through which procedural
initiatives are dispatched in establishing the matter-energy typologies for proper
balance between the lower and higher worlds to coordinate creation.) manifestations to
target interplanetary grids. These are Ophanim who can work with the limitations on the
edge of a Mansion World.

And I wondered how they knew a couple of months back, that I would find that pamphlet.
They looked foward in time.

And when I was living near the finger lakes, I had an even greater experience. One night
during a sleep cycle I was taken out of my body and time-translated to my High Self back
when the asteriod belt was the planet Maldek. Now Maldek was inhabited with very dark
reptilian beings and my High Self was a GALAXY OF PURE CONSCIOUSNESS WHITE LIGHT, a God,
not a god, or a GOD, but a God, and as I passed by Maldek the planet exploded because it
was the Father's Will that the reptoids be destroyed, so I utterly destroyed it. In the
higher realms it's much easier to feel your Godness. It's much harder to feel your godness
down here on earth because of the lower vibratary levels. Now Metatron told me that I
come from a very High Place. The experience was beyond ecstasy. YHWH's creation is so
HUGE, there is so much room, so much space. Now even though I was created an exhalted
being, I still remain very humble and meek, just like Moses: Num 12:3 ( Now the man Moses
was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.) And Jesus was
meek also Mt: 21:4,5 All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by
the prophet, saying,
UPON AN ASS, AND A COLT THE FOAL OF AN ASS. Luke 9:48 And he said unto them, whoso-
ever receive this child in my name receiveth me; and whosoever shall receive me
receiveth him that sent me: for he that is least among you all, the same shall be
great. 14:11 for whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth
himself shall be exalted. Jud 6:15 And he said unto him, Oh my Lord, wherewith
shall I save Isreal? behold my family is poor in Manas'-seh, and I am the least in
my father's house. 1 Sam 17:33 And Saul said to David, Thou are not able to go
against this Philis'-tine to fight with him: for thou art but a youth, and he a
man of war from his youth.

I took these experiences as a sign and a witness that I should
study this Great Work, the Keys of Enoch.

Love, Light and Peace,
ShadowDancer · 41-45, M
Have a read;
@LadyGrace …oh, sorry, I presumed your ability to infer…..”ANYTHING “

Evidence of things hoped for…nothing there..

Substance of what?.

@SW-User As usual, you're wrong when you start assuming things, especially about myself. Can't even answer my question can you?
@LadyGrace “as usual “ hmm…sure

I did…

Doesn’t guarantee anything.

This will be so disappointing if you are some clown with 2 accounts. I will stay around and listen to your nonsense, to confirm my idea.
Sharon · F
In Hell, one isn't continually pestered by annoying, evangelical, christians.
Sharon · F
@GodSpeed63 I'm still waiting for you to prove any of your BS is true. The fact that you can't proves me right.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I'm still waiting for you to prove any of your BS is true.

The fact is that you've already proven God to be right, as usual. You're all the proof I need to prove that God lives and His Word is true. Thank you, Sharon.
Sharon · F
@GodSpeed63 So, you can't prove any of the BS you post but we already knew that. Thank you for, once again, demonstratiing that your arrogance knows no bounds.
LifeOnHardMode · 26-30, M
I believe that life itself can be hell. According to the bible we are already being punished. After death, some of us may go to a place that is even worse.
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
@LifeOnHardMode No we are in hell . Heaven is our spiritual life after this earthly life ends . I have seen it . You are on a different earhtly plain but your passed relatives can come to you in spirit . I have experienced this so know it to be true . Find a true medium and they will prove it to you .
@Rhode57 I'd have to experience that myself. A medium telling me about it wouldn't help.
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