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What is the christian position on the characterization of Christianity wherein... [Spirituality & Religion]

...god sacrifices himself TO himself in order to create a loophole in the rules that he set?
I mean, why not just forgive? Why the demand for blood?
I'm sure someone must have explained this to me before but i don't remember.
MURD3RM0NK3Y · 26-30, M
According to scripture the penalty for sin is death. So there has to be blood taken as payment for your evil deeds.

and we can not enter heaven if we are not perfect so we die

That's a very different statement than we deserve to die.
Carazaa · F
@Pikachu I do not feel that I deserve Gods attention at all, and definitely not heaven, and definitely not Jesus sacrificing His life for me! We deserve death because we are smug and stupid and don't appreciate God at all. I know this is not popular but the fact is that God is very slow to anger and if we don't turn to him we will eventually perish. It makes perfect sense to Christians, and is foolishness to the ungodly.

Why is that deserving of death?
I can certainly agree that being ungrateful would make us undeserving of attention but there's a HUGE gulf between that and deserving death .
From what I remember it was an entension of the Jewish custom of animal sacrifice. They would put the sins onto the animal and kill it and I want to believe some wilderness dwelling entity consumed the sins. Kind of like the sin eaters of British legend.
But yeah. Seems like being God he is limited in what he is able to do. Maybe cause he was trying to undo his own work and being something God did that is impossible so he had to find a loophole since everything he does is permanent.

Strange behaviour for an omnipotent being.
Simple. God is holy, requires perfection. We are by reason of the fall into sin as a human race imperfect. We can achieve a lot of goodness, but still fall short of God's perfect standards. In order for God to be both holy and merciful, He sent Christ to die in our place.

the fact that God says it should be good enough for us.

And there it is.
When it doesn't make sense, just whip out the ol "god works in mysterious ways" gambit.
@Pikachu There are statements in the bible that say that God's ways and thoughts are above ours, and may not make sense right away. I mean that Christ died to pay for the sins of mankind makes sense to ME. That you THINK it SHOULD be unnecessary doesn't mean it isn't true.

Yeah i get ya, man. You're answer for why god would do a thing that appears pointlessly circuitous or strange or immoral is because his ways are not our ways.

That's your faith claim. It's cool.
KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
Because he could not have a period so he killed himself to go one better because he hates women (he was actually very forward thinking for his time) and a massive show off. And a zombie. Don't forget he went all zombie 3 days later. Then flew into the sky like an alien. That's some scary horror movie.

lol well that's novel interpretation
Carazaa · F
God does things for us that are hard to show how much he loves us. All of the old testament is about the sacrifices, and then Jesus becomes the sacrificed lamb Himself. It is very significant message to humans.
Carazaa · F
@Pikachu Well don't be pessimistic because you might still have a few days before Jesus comes backm😉

lol yes i suspect i do.
Carazaa · F
@Pikachu 🤗
OggggO · 36-40, M
I'm not a theologian, but my guess is that it was at least partly demonstrative. Showing His love for us by what He was willing to endure for our sakes. Also, putting a human face on the act of forgiveness made it comprehensible. Free grace can be hard for a lot of people to understand, especially in a culture of legalistic rules and atonement offerings, but tell them it has been bought and paid for with a sacrifice of value beyond measure, and they will have a much easier time accepting it.
It's all pretty bizarre to me
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Maybe you should read a book about this toppic? If it really interests you?
Start with Jack Miles

God: A Biography (Old Testament)
Jezus: A crisis in the life of God (New Testament)

Don't start with the last one... or you'll dont understand what he's referring too.
calicuz · 56-60, M
This is too deep for me.
It's cause within creation God reveals all his characteristics, meaning through righteousness he must punish sin, and through His sacrifice he practices His love, and mercy, and his sovereign choices

Sorry i didn't really follow that.
Can you explain further?
Sharon · F
It's all a clumsy attempt by early man to enslave others.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Sharon That clumsy attempt did create a society that cherrished these ideas for a verry long time tough. And that society flourished to a certain degree, because "dogma" doesnt permit it to go beyond certain ideas. Which is part of the reasons (according to me) that it has to fall down at some point. You just can't keep reality out.

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