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What's wrong with me? It is not getting better.

I still can't understand subtle social cues. It's getting to me again. It's so so so so apparent that I don't understand them that people get extremely irritated with me. I really don't understand why I'm like this. It's like I'm extremely blind to some very important unsaid conversations and it frustrates me. Trying to keep up with all of this at work is so exhausting. Pretending I understand them. But not quite understanding them. Repeating myself a couple times or three because I think what I said was not heard, when it had been acknowledged by body language (I suppose)? Bcz I only get it when it's said "yes yes I get it!!!" In an annoyed voice.

I'm tired of life.
And today as well. A very short sentence said to me by my landlord who seemed irritated by me repeating myself...has left me in tears.
I so desperately want to understand what I'm missing. It makes survival extremely exhausting this way.
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DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Are you autistic? This sounds like a common trouble faced by autistic people.

Even if not, this is a hard thing to deal with. I was always like that when I was younger, and even to some degree still. You simply have to learn to accept it as just the way you communicate. Become good at saying, "I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean."

It's so exhausting, I know, but hang on. Things will get easier.
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Watch some YouTube videos on reading body language
Frostcloud · F
is it possible youre autistic? i skimmed the other comments and see it was mentioned. but i wanted to add that theres nothing to be ashamed of if you are autistic, it is sooooo common and WILDLY misdiagnosed and misunderstood in women. i was diagnosed with adhd/add/anxiety but my autistic friends believe im autistic, for example. it can make it very hard to understand other people and hard for them to unserstand you. but i think understanding that your brain is wired just a little differently will help you give yourself a little grace if that is the case

its a spectrum and doesnt make you any less intelligent (in fact, it can give some people super knowledge on their favorite subjets), it just makes the social stuff a little tougher
You probably are on the autism spectrum or have a related condition that got merged with autism. Or you may have had a dysfunctional/abusive childhood that's preventing you from leaving your stunted growth. I'm not writing this to offend you, just being honest as to what can potentially be the culprit. Of course, you'd have to be properly diagnosed by a psychiatrist or psychologist; you can't just claim you're autistic.
Lilnonames · F
To me it seems they don't understand you. Seems they all want to tell You what to do with your own life.
calabaciteh · 36-40, F
@Lilnonames yes it totally sounds like it's everyone else's fault!
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