autumngirl27 Best Comment
How do we know you're not a NPC?
Unhinged · 100+
@autumngirl27 I’m screaming
Matt85 · 36-40, M
dont think like that
thats how people who kill people think!
thats how people who kill people think!
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Unhinged · 100+
@Unhinged So then, your egotism is so bad that once you wake up the Universe will cease to exist, gotcha 👍
Unhinged · 100+
@NativePortlander1970 I didn’t say that
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
I read an article about a Stanford professor who studied free will for decades and concluded that it doesn’t exist, so maybe we’re all just NPC’s in some grand cosmic video game.
If this topic of discussion interests you I recommend the video game, Thimbleweed Park. It’s set up like a murder mystery in the style of Twin Peaks, and you alternate between five playable characters: two FBI agents, a young aspiring game programmer, an obscene insult clown, and a ghost. It gets really meta and trippy at the end!
If this topic of discussion interests you I recommend the video game, Thimbleweed Park. It’s set up like a murder mystery in the style of Twin Peaks, and you alternate between five playable characters: two FBI agents, a young aspiring game programmer, an obscene insult clown, and a ghost. It gets really meta and trippy at the end!
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
Maybe you are an NPC too and do not know it. Maybe we all are.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
You’re just programmed to feel that way as a well detailed NPC.
Madmonk · M
We are all NPCs in someone else’s game
KungFuVixen · F
Because I just unplugged you

There are no real humans
Louis54 · 70-79, M
Don't be silly! Of course, you're the only one that is real.
Shit. We thought you already knew.

NPCs wouldn't all be so f""cking miserable all the time.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Sounds like something an NPC would say.
@LordShadowfire don’t make him come unhinged.
Who in the fuck do you think you are, Free Guy?
Unhinged · 100+
@NativePortlander1970 you love her FUPA admit it
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Unhinged · 100+
@MidwestMonster I have all of them. She is my mother