All men who came in my life till now, betrayed and abused me...๐I don't trust men, tried of putting hopes in men. I only trust myself.
I really distrust and dislike most men.Idk how to feel positive and trust towards men again... I live in tensions of what he might do if i be around any man... Tensions itself are killing me in half. Only option for me is to learn to be happy even if i have/get a partner in my life or... See More ยป
Men can hurt me, but i decided to never hurt or blame myself for their bad actions. I won't let them hurt me emotionally in any way.
Some men around me accuse me sleeping with every guy i be nice or talk to.Just what is this ? and why?!?! I am kinda modern but i don't have habits of sleeping around and i never slept around before. I hate my culture !
Good and bad men both act same on's scary sometimes... especially as an women to date men