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Why can't some people on here handle the truth?

So, the user SlightlyBelowAverageJoe posted a pic of his friend and I very correctly observed that this friend is really unattractive...yet he denied that and tried to argue that he's sweet and actually a "ladies man". He called me "insulting" when I continued to tell him the truth, which is that his friend is hideous (he has really bad acne and is fat) and demonstrated to me that like many people on this site, he can't accept honesty and is incapable of facing reality. It's not my fault that I can't stand to look at his friend and his horrible face...*sigh*
Torsten · 36-40, M Best Comment
if you put up photos online, you should be prepared for people not to hold back and say what they are really thinking.
People are overly sensitive these days and certainly can not handle real honesty
@Torsten Agreed
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@Torsten yeah, but this is also a support site, community oriented, not just a Q&A site. So when u demean one person like that, it reflects on all of us.

Allison22 · F
Seems like a rude thing to say and obviously quite shallow. You need some manners.
@SW-User Ugly, just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But a bad personality can make even an attractive person appear ugly.
@TheSentinel Riiight
@SW-User Truth
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
Who fucking cares though?
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
@SW-User 👌🏻
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
@SW-User I guess you just can’t handle the truth 🤷🏻‍♀️
plasticpants02 · 61-69, M
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
Your ugly is showing. Might wanna put a bag over that.
@Pinkstarburst Or I could wear a burqa
Kodel · 26-30, M
From reading the post and the comments, it seems that everyone here could agree with the mantra of, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." It seems that you're experiencing firsthand what that is like. I don't know this guy however the situation in question seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding. You say that he's unattractive and his friend understands that to mean, on the whole, rather than just physically. You may be correct that he is physically unattractive, however your manner of delivery does not sound like someone who genuinely wants him to improve from facing reality, in my opinion. It reads more like, "It's a shame that people can't accept that I'm right."
I don't make this comment to have a go at you or to attempt to belittle you. I just want to encourage some healthy reflection on the manner of how you convey a truth to someone you feel they should know. Many a person have done regrettable things to themselves because they legitimately couldn't handle the truth. I encourage you to think about whether or not what you say is like soap or sanitiser to a wound. One causes pain but also cleanses and helps heal the wound. The other simply causes pain for no reason.
Just some food for thought.
Ducky · 31-35, F
Troll, troll, troll your boat
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
@Ducky yeah wish I’d noticed before hand. My anxiety has been up all evening and I’m on edge haha
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Starting to think this is a troll account.
@CountScrofula lol "someone"

I do have a name.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@SW-User Yeah hence the reference to you as OP. Anyways yeah I'm bored with this act.
@CountScrofula What act? I really don't know what you're talking about lol

And if you're bored, why do you read my posts and comment on them?
But really?! That was tasteless. Be nice. Telling someone they are ugly is mean.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@SW-User You are the one who claims to be attractive, if you didn't want us to believe it why bother saying it?
@ninalanyon Because why not
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Because you can’t handle the truth (a film quote (@ninalanyon
the truth is what i named my penis..
most ppl cant handle it! 🕺
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout you crazy thing! You are bad. Lol
circleK · F
Drama queen award 🏆
DeeBee · M
You rudely insult a man stating he is fat and ugly has pimples and then when people call you out on your insensitivity you get upset and say it's harsh?Hypocritical.People are not always bigger because they're lazy and eat junk either they may have other illness and take meds that make you stack the weight on which they cannot control.
DeeBee · M
@SW-User Trolling is as ugly as it gets!
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@DeeBee so you want to say, he must be a model and very attractive
DeeBee · M
@nedkelly No,i just know it's a bad trait putting others down for the way they look and it impacts them!
Is that why you don't show your face? You're aware others might find it hideous and you are being kind?
@SW-User Hey, if we're being honest, I think 99% of guys are ugly. I just don't bother saying it because I was raised to not be a dickhead.
@SW-User Honesty can help people become better though. I think I should have a video chat with him (if I can bear his face) so I can explain what he can do to make himself less unattractive.
@SW-User ... you're that bored?
LandOfOz · 61-69, M
Well perhaps you could have been more tactful about it
LandOfOz · 61-69, M
Well you have just demonstrated how rude some people can be
@LandOfOz Hi sexi 😏
LandOfOz · 61-69, M
@SW-UserAt least you know it when you see it
@LandOfOz so true hawtie
"Ugliness" comes in different forms. This post could be considered an example by some folks.
Not going to lie but that was pretty rude. You can be honest but use tact.
Freeranger · M
What intrigue.
Of course....in making those comparisons, [if one is making them].....in due fairness and leading by example, any author of such a thread should be leading their narrative by submitting one of their own for comparative study and critique?
Just a thought.
@Freeranger rofl

You're saying this with the assumption that I might actually give a fuck what people on this site think of the way I look, which I really, really, don't.
Freeranger · M
@SW-User Well, you seem to have given certain fucks to the other person you roasted of course. Wouldn't it be justice if, that individual went on to Med school and became the one who saved your life one day. His appearance would still matter of course......😏

But actually, you're now counting fucks because your own photograph swings in the balance for SW analysis.
Oh me or my.......phunny how the worm turns.

We'll wait on that of course. Be sure to post a non-traceable fake.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Wow. And, many people here claim I have no sensitivity.
Oh heck.. that is a funny troll. I assure you that hard *** is not hurt… lol
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
“A face only his mother could love”
Coppercoil · M
I can't make sense of that dude.. went to his profile.. seems they are a troll
@Coppercoil Idk tbh...part of me is thinking you're saying that because you feel threatened by him. His friend may be fat and gross, but he's actually kinda hot 🔥😍
Coppercoil · M
@SW-User omg im so so so confused.. oh.. wait.. ok.. i get it.. lol..
@Coppercoil omg lol
Nah, my friend is a ladies man. Maybe you're not a lady.
@SlightlyBelowAverageJoe The fact that anyone takes anything you say serious … blows my mind… lol
@NoGamesTolerated well that's rude! When have I tried to deceive anyone?!
@SlightlyBelowAverageJoe No YOU didn't say that… no no no no NO I know you didn’t…

But bring on the funny pics… I could use a laugh.
Was the post specifically about looks? Why would anyone post a pic of their friend asking about appearances in the first place?
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
@LilithoftheTrees I think this person was just trying to get a rise/reaction out of people
tindrummer · M
You get a lot of pleasure from pointing out what you think are others' imperfections don't you?
@tindrummer I don't think they're imperfections...they are imperfections
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Yeah what the other person said. No one cares. I'm going to go shower now.
cycleman · 61-69, M
"Cuz there ain't no truth! ...."

Now what movie is that line from??
@cycleman Idk

Tell meh
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
You're Spanish, I just know you are..
@AnonymousJSS No, but I did live in Spain ☺️
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
@SW-User You picked up their traits, they’re super blunt people.
@AnonymousJSS they are

Tbh though I come from a blunt family
Budwick · 70-79, M
Fishing for attention?
How are they biting?
@Budwick I almost got my hand bitten off
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@BluntSm0ker omg yes lol

Looks like he has an std all over his face and is reallyyy fat. I try to be a tolerant person but his face just pisses me off...why would you go around with spots like that or not do anything about them?
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@BluntSm0ker that's him 😆

*runs away in disgust*
nedkelly · 61-69, M
He is the poster child for wearing condoms
Coz they are habitual of veils.
Girl ,don't be so rude !
Zonuss · 41-45, M
You're a brutally honest woman Emil.
And I respect you because of that
Thank you. 🙂
@Zonuss Thx ❤️
Lilnonames · F
It was probably him

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