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What's your most amazing experience of generosity by a stranger?

Decades ago, an unknown woman came into the office where my then-fiancée worked, to book her flight home across the ocean. On learning we were about to be married and emigrate to her own home city, she immediately said "come to us"!

A few months later, she and her husband (who hadn't been consulted in the first place) were at the airport to meet us on arrival. We lived with them until we were 'on our feet' in two or three weeks. I'd never known such kindness from a stranger and will never forget it.
Kae20 · 56-60, FVIP
Without a doubt it would have been at a time when i split up with my first husband, i was fairy young early 20's had never lived on my own before.

Saw an ad for a room in londons trendy Crouch End , went along to the Estate agents.

Who was a lovely married man, very successful in his early 30's. We spoke for a while, Somehow i didn't need to explain everything. When he said" ive got a vacant studio just around the corner
The monthly rent is blah blah .. theres a deposit of such & such. " then hes paused for a moment & said "But you dont worry about "

I thanked him took the keys expecting some dive. Only to walk into a huge studio flat o the top floor in 4 story Victorian Conversion. Skylights the whole works.

& 2 weeks later he offered me a highly paid administrative position in his agency .

Then to top it off a month later he offered me a delightful

one bed flat again free of charge . It was full of character, in North Londons Highgate.

He allowed me to live there until i was ready to move onwards and upwards. Never mentioning money or rent.

What a guy!!

My friends reckoned he may have had an ulterior motive , but not at all , he was a happily married man . Who was behaved respectful at all times

His generosity toward me easily ran into the thousands. Yet until I had walkied into his agency that day , we had been complete strangers .

😊 What a legend!! 💫💫
Musicman · 61-69, M
@Kae20 That is truly awesome! Congratulations.
Kae20 · 56-60, FVIP
@SW-User thanks it certainly is back at that time. & even now its difficult to believe.

Yet at such young age & at vulnerable time in my life . His kindness & generosity would go on to teach me a lot.

That we never ever know how quickly our every day world can suddenly flip 180 .

Should you find yourself in a situation where your in a position to help some one in need .. give & give some more.

Just as much as you are able.

Even a small but meaningful gesture can make a huge difference, to someones day , or even somebody's life.

He was a wealthy developer, who owned a multitude of properties in and around London.

So to him what suddenly became my new home was ..simply just another rental unit.

& because he wasnt immediately in need of the money he didn't hesitate to help.

When I started working for him , i quickly realised how down to earth & well liked he was. By all of his staff.

He was an excellent business man who always eemed to acquire the most lucrative contracts & business deals .

When came to detail he was typically hard nosed, he was not not to messed with . He could sense a Bull C#×+ a mile off.

Yet when it came to being empathetic he held such remarkable balance.

I recall one of his lead closers, suddenly received some very bad news regarding the health of his young wife & ofcourse the guy was beside himself.

We were all young then so noone expected it. But yet again he immediately took a huge amount of weight off this young mans shoulders.

Instructing me regularly to send the most wonderful bouquets to their home & the hospital.

Recalling my experience. i was moved , this afternoon to google his name..& I am pretty sure I found him on LinkedIn.

He is still it appears to a prominent business man, & may the very best & much joy in his life continue for him. He certainly IS a remarkable Man.
Kae20 · 56-60, FVIP
@Musicman 😊 mate , I can only agree
rachelsj · 22-25, F
Idk about big but i was at the library today and a gentleman was getting up to leave and forgot his ear buds and I got them to him before he left. He didn't know they were missing.
ffony · M
@rachelsj Good on you: big/small no matter.
exexec · 61-69, C
A friend's granddaughter was driving home from college 100 miles away when her car broke down on the Interstate. She managed to get it into a parking lot. An older man stopped to see what was wrong. He diagnosed the problem, went to a parts store, bought the part that was needed, and made the repair with tools in his truck. He would accept no payment and said he had a granddaughter the same age and hoped someone else would help her. The girl's family was able to research his name based on her description and the sign on his truck. They sent a nice thank you note.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
When I was a teenager, my best friend and I ended up stranded 10 miles from home at 4-5 an due to a series of poor choices. A cabbie drove us several miles closer to home for free just to make sure we were at least in a safer neighborhood.
ffony · M
@Starcrossed You know, now that I think of it there have been plenty of kind, generous strangers in my life. Your post reminded me of the French Canadian cabbie who took us - Anglophones - and our 3 young kids under his wing at 2am in 1960s Montreal . Our cross-country train from Vancouver had been delayed for hours by an accident ahead on the line and our hotel reservation was mysteriously non-existent (baksheesh from someone else?). This cab driver switched off his meter and took us around to I think three motels, getting me to check the price at each one and get his say-so on whether it was reasonable.

And there was the time in our youth when our small car broke down about 100 miles from home (in Scotland.) The snoozing heavy-truck driver we approached at the local rail yard agreed to give us a ride as far as he could. Part way he had to call his base to see whether he had to pick up a new load (truck was empty.) When he was told there was no load he apologized to us because he could have had our car in the back! He actually delivered us right to my parents' suburban front door in the dead of night. He still had a couple of hundred miles to go. There was even more to the story, like the garage mechanic who took us to his home because we were soaking wet, and his wife cooked us a meal.

Thanks for jogging my memory about all this. Does this kind of thing still happen?
Shadyglow · F
@Starcrossed I was so lost driving to a special place that a stranger put me up overnight and told me not to repay him. He has a place in heaven now though...
smiler2012 · 56-60
@ffony mine was a few weeks ago nowhere as kind as yours but still kind all the same . i go for a walk daily and get my papers at the same shop i put my money in my jeans pocket . i went in this particular day and i thought i was ten pence short when i got my money out . the woman in the shop said i could give it another time and out of the blue a woman in the queue offered me the money i accepted it and said thank you. she was a stranger and when i got outside i found i had money in my shirt pocket so went back in the shop and gave her the money i owed her and said thank you again
ffony · M
@smiler2012 Good for you.
As kids, my pal & I benefitted from a mistake (sixpence!) made by the lady at a candy store. He bragged to his Ma about it, she chuckled over it talking to my Ma - and guess who got dragged to the store to pay back the sixpence!
smiler2012 · 56-60
@ffony 🤔well you did the right and honest thing
ffony · M
@ffony To be 'honest' - nowadays I would only make that sort of recompense if the amount was non trivial, and/or the cashier would be likely to suffer because of it.
itsok · 31-35, F
I can’t think of anything as big as that. Last year I helped a man track down a park ranger he needed to talk to. I didn’t want or expect anything in return, but when he left I saw he had left me $150
Coralmist · 41-45, F
That is very kind indeed . For me it was a few years ago. I had to go to the ER by ambulance one night for extreme pain. When I was discharged the next morning I had to call a cab home. As the guy pulled up to the house upon returning, I said
"Let me go get my wallet. I will give you the fare and tip..it is inside." He started to motion No no. I said again.."No I need to give a tip, and fare. it is right inside. "
He again said " No no..its ok no worries take care.."

I thought... wow ...how gracious. 🌺 I will always remember that.
smiler2012 · 56-60
@ffony 🤔shows there is still genuine acts of kindness still to be had and it is heart warming too see
Aww I love stories like this ☺️

That’s really lovely

For me it was when I moved out at the age of seventeen… I left my toxic blood family to live with people who treated me good and kind … cared about me when I had nobody

They were amazing and helped me move on with my life by reminding me of my worth

I’ll never forget em
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Someone dropped me to my college when I asked them the way on my first day
Musicman · 61-69, M
I had gotten out of highschool and gone into construction. A year later I decided to go to a technical school and learn how to run the big mainframe computers. Personal computers were just being introduced at the time. Our instructor wanted us to wear suits to class so we did. It had snowed and dropped about 8 inches. The roads had just been plowed and the snow pushed to the shoulder. It was freezing cold out and I was driving home from class when the car over heated. I pulled onto the shoulder got out and raised the hood. The problem was evident immediately. The top radiator hose had a hole in it. Water and steam were spewing everywhere. This was back before cellphones. The closest pay phone was a mile away and like I said, it was freezing cold and I didn't have a winter coat. I was mentally prepping myself for the walk through the snow in my suit and dress shoes when this guy pulled over in front of me. He pulled out a roll of duct tape and taped the hose really well. He told me this wasn't a fix, but it would get me home or to a shop. Then he pulled out two new gallons of antifreeze and started putting them in the radiator. I reached into my pocket and felt the last two dollars I owned in the world. I so desperately wanted to tell the guy to stop. That I couldn't even afford to reimburse him for the antifreeze let alone pay him for the repair. I had never felt so low, bad and cold in my life. The guy finished and I offered him my two dollars apologizing saying it was all I had. He looked at me and said I didn't owe him anything. That if I wanted to pay him back that at sometime in the future someone else would need a helping hand. That when I helped them, at no charge, he would be paid back. There is not words to describe how good it felt to get back in the car, start it and turn that heat back on. I drove home. I was still living at home. My dad fixed the car that evening and life was good again. I have definitely repaid the guy a few times.
ffony · M
@Musicman A great experience, recounted well. Thank you.

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