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Harlow · 31-35, F
@HipYoungDude lol I haven’t tried that 😄

Coppercoil · M Best Comment
One of my life long battles. It's cost me a lot of opportunities. Friendships. And generally made my life much more difficult. It feels more like a curse than anything really. I've learned my strengths and weaknesses though, and am able to navigate life much more successfully than ever before. I feel, though it's taken years from my life, I am starting to win more and more battles and have turned the tides to my favor lately.
Harlow · 31-35, F
@Coppercoil Good on you for taming it. Yeah a curse is the right word.

I’ve always been anxious. I guess I hide it well because people irl think I’m happy all the time. It’s definitely been getting worse. I started seeing a therapist this year & I’m in the process of switching to a different depression med. plus being mostly an introvert doesn’t help, but I also fake being extrovert well. Idk I like making people laugh and spreading positivity when I have to be around people. I wouldn’t want anyone to feel as bad as I do.
Coppercoil · M
@Harlow we have a great deal in common. I understand. I am searching for a therapist and am on depression meds to. And people wouldn't have the slightest clue anything is wrong with me, at work, or walking around, whatever. I can hide it well too.

Just know I'm here to support you always and you can lean on me anytime. I know how hard it can be, people who have similar struggles and can empathize, need to support one another because most people can't possibly understand how extra hard life is for us. Everything takes so much more effort and emotionally it slowly erodes our quality of life and perception of ourselves. ❤️
Harlow · 31-35, F
@Coppercoil Thank you. Truly 💖 I’m not good at leaning on anyone though 😅 I’m usually the one making other people feel better, listening, & giving advice. But I might take you up on it one day. It sounds soothing. Always wondered how it felt to be on the other side
Effloresce · 26-30, F
I let it consume my every waking existence
Harlow · 31-35, F
@Effloresce ditto 😶
NaturallyPeculiar · 26-30, F
Xanax. Lots of Xanax.
Just kidding... kinda. I only take my Xanax in extreme emergency situations like when my body starts heavily trembling uncontrollably to the point that it's noticeable & people think I'm having a seizure.
Besides that I usually try to avoid situations that will trigger my social anxiety(aka staying inside most of the time lol) or usually if I go anywhere I try to bring a person I'm close to who I trust since that usually helps me a bit since it's harder for me to go out in public on my own without having a major panic attack over every little thing.
Couple tall boys, and an ambivert personality.🤷‍♀️
madmax83 · 41-45, M
@DancingStarGoddess you always make me LMAO...
@madmax83 I am glad I could be of service ^•^
madmax83 · 41-45, M
rckt148 · 61-69, M
I face all my fears head on
I am basically shy ,,,so I strike up a conversation with anyone
I hoped being an entertainer would help ,,,but then people want to tell me how good I am ,and I always fear saying something really stupid
I like when people are happy with my work ,I hate them bragging on me
But I do not let fear stop me ,,fear has robbed me of enough

I treat it like someone in my way ,I mow it down
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@puck61 Well thats what I keep telling them but they just want to debate the we will see who is right debate ,,
Guess they didn't hear about what takes place before the end ,,
I have my seal ,,I tried to warn them to get theirs

I think we have reached the point where they have been given over to a reprobate mind ,where the Boss lets them believe lies ,and He sends them strong delusions

I have never seen a time where everything is so accurate ,,yet they say a man made it up to control people ,,

He never pushed one person to love Him ,,,and made a way for those that tried to kill Him

I am glad I know where I stand ,,,all I can do is pray and weep for those who don't

Love ya Brother ,,always a pleasure seeing you around
@rckt148 I'm a mess, but it doesn't take a weatherman to see which way the wind blows.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@puck61 Praying for you Brother ,once a soldier ,always a soldier
but he does work hard to make us doubt who we are
In my teens and 20s I drank to calm the social jitters. Until in my 30s, I was jittery from withdrawals.

These days I realize it matters precious little what others think of me. My own opinion of myself, thats what really counts. When you fully accept and internalize that simple fact, you'll be surprised how at ease you become in social situations.
I go to crowded places and approach total strangers and say, "There you are!" They usually look at me kind of funny and say, "Do I know you?" Then I simply reply, "No; but there you are!" ....... I hold the Guinness book of world records title for restraining orders!
11knaves11 · 46-50, M
It depends on the day and the situation. Mostly I'm just really trying to push myself to be around people more, and the more I do, the easier it gets. But every day is a struggle.
eMortal · M
Most of the time I have don't any, but I went I do, I drink "dos Equis". But seriously, alcohol is a good social lubricant. Things feel move smooth once you've had a glass.
Dazed · 51-55, M
"When the opponent expand, I contract. When he contracts, I expand. And, when there is an opportunity, I do not hit - it hits all by itself."

Bruce Lee
Reject · 26-30, M
I stay calm. I focus so hard on this I appear to be an extremely serious person which doesn't help with being social anyways. 😞
By being a hermit
Harlow · 31-35, F
@SStarfish same 🤔
Keaten · 36-40, M
I make my mind go somewhere else so I become a high functioning drone.🤖
Harlow · 31-35, F
Keaten · 36-40, M
@Harlow 😆😆
BozoBoy · 36-40, M
11knaves11 · 46-50, M
@BozoBoy I've heard great things
@BozoBoy Only the best cowboys have cartoon eyes! (JK)
Sourdad · 61-69, M
It's hard. I have to suspend my sense of self.
Bagalamaga · 56-60, M
I just exit situations I feel uncomfortable with
Fernie · F
I only have anxiety attacks when I isolate too much
Alcohol usually.
madmax83 · 41-45, M
Heavily medicated.
WoodyAq · M
I drink. Mixed results.
Danez · M
I stay home and 🥃😎
InvaderNice · 26-30, M
I chew gum. It basically makes me a super hero lol.
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Grab it by the throat and squeeze 🤔
@Harlow 😬 hmmm

Nails. Dig'em deep 😳
Harlow · 31-35, F
@Harlow 😃🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I do what i gotta do but only if i gotta do it...
Harlow · 31-35, F
@MartinTheFirst yep that’s how I make myself go to work. 🤔
lily88mercy · 26-30, F
By making bad choices:

1 - a couple shots of Jack Daniels
2 - bald face lying, i.e., "I can't make it, my cat is sick."

I hit myself and think of people that don't like me cause they prefer the attention of hundreds of others
Put a flat face and just sit tight.
wackidywack · 26-30
Crumble & die inside

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