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Do you think women should get reparations?

They have been victimized by the church for a loooong time. Do they qualify for it in your opinion?
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Better women's health would be great. Thanks.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Yes, but not in the form of cash. Rather the U.S. should adopt a single-payer healthcare system for all. This would greatly improve the lives of women. Also, free college education. And a world class public transit system.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@RedBaron I vote, write letters, donate to organizations in favor of all of the above.
RedBaron · M
@badminton Good for you, doing what you can. There’s no magic wand.
jehova · 31-35, M
@badminton absolutely we are moving in that direction? I hope so ive been pushing for it.
Gumba1000 · M
Only if women pay reparations for their men going to war, when they got to stay at home.

Doh! This is gonna cost lots for the both of us.
Gumba1000 · M
@SW-User Is the rope treated? Will it withstand lots of water without rotting?

You can only hope 😁
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Not on an individual basis. But some religious denominations might consider funding healthcare and education programmes to mitigate the social harm they have caused in the past.
I'll take it in cash please
Make it in $10's
Yes. The entitlements that government must supply to everyone will be the way we finally make amemds to social victims.
A level playing field with all the basics supplied to everyone keeps Virginia Geoffre from needing Epstein, and it keeps Cosby from being a source of wealth for young actors.
Victim mentality is so rampant these days lol giving handouts isn’t a real solution, there’s a reason why ppl on welfare stay broke
@SW-User Yeah, because they're given the bare minimum. But countries with strong welfare programs do have more social mobility than countries without welfare.
@SW-User There is, but it’s probably not what you think.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@SW-User many are on welfare because for generations, they were taught nothing different. People often think it’s an equal opportunity country but if you have no knowledge to even ask the right questions, nothing changes. Consider yourself lucky if you had parents/mentors to teach you. Without, you’d be in the same boat!
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Don't they already get it all sittin around having their babies?
@FloorGenAdm Eating bon-bons and watching Oprah.
Reparations should only be class-based.
Teirdalin · 31-35
Sure why not.
exchrist · 31-35
By that logic natives the irish and jews are also owed reparations from various historic instances. So i gotta go with no.
@exchrist I don’t understand. Not all women have children, and there are single fathers. I do agree that everyone with the same job title should receive the same salary that title demands.
jehova · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard thats true miss i think equal pay across the board is preferred. And pay should go up with education and experience. Still women are better. They bear the children only 2 or perhaps 3 gender forms of male that actually produce children? This is the part that is very shakey. Its detailed in india, for sure, and maybe japan; If you can find it.
exchrist · 31-35
@bijouxbroussard i really mean bear children. I wasnt clear my b
exchrist · 31-35
Id also argue everyone qualifies women too so yes?
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I can’t imagine what that would look like. Some women are eager, active members of their churches, and some even participated in the victimization of other women.
@bijouxbroussard The most discriminated against people on earth are woman, not just by men but by other women also.
A Gender Study New UN report Mar 5, 2020
@softspokenman That’s true, but it reveals the fact that some women have the power to discriminate against their own gender. When white women were added to the affirmative action programs, it gave employers an out, and many white women were able to advance as a result.

Unfortunately, that’s the demographic who initially turned around and began lobbying against affirmative action for people of color out of concern that their sons would be penalized.
exchrist · 31-35
@softspokenman love the citation. Everyone needs sources.
Women should get separations - from church limiting of their prospects.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
After what one did to Adam with a talking snake and a cursed apple?
@hunkalove Blame the snake’s head games. Eve was framed. 😄
exchrist · 31-35
@hunkalove past the statute of limitation the snake was likely just a metaphor for adams dick and the poison apple symbolic of undercooked food. Or were both hallucinating a talking snake.

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