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There are no longer any groups for Native Americans on this site

Seriously, what the hell!? 😠
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Native Americans has been merged with India, and has been restored and is now available for use.
@PerchingDove yay. they fixed for you. 🖤🤗
@JustGoneNow Just as I leave here again. 😆
@PerchingDove sorry. 💋
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
There are 56 members in the group “I Am Native American”.
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@PerchingDove I just checked my groups and I’m still in it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve never posted in that group, though.
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F

Idk if this will work, but here’s the link to the group.
@QueenOfTheNerds Nope, can't make a post there. Real nice.
Carissimi · F
I can’t make a post in my groups, even though I can see them. They changed the way we could post, which in my opinion is far from an improvement.
Arrange a pow wow with Andrew.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@SW-User Am... am I allowed to laugh at that?
Well, real world did away with the Redskins... SW just wants to be a part of it all.

This whole groups thing is a bit ridiculous. Must have at least ten that usually start with "I love" or "I hate". At least that is how it was.
Montanaman · M
Missing and Murdered Indigenous women and girls...

I'm sorry, I've posted this before on another one of your posts. It's been awhile. Still haven't tackled this story because it's going to take a lot of work and massive research. But somebody has to.
I think its under fantasy or history
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@NightsWatch The one I’m in is under Travel. 🙄
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@QueenOfTheNerds wow SW. SMDH
@QueenOfTheNerds soooooo you get around?...... okay okay just lol
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
There was Native American groups?
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@PerchingDove well why would u need a Native American group. I am sure they like the same stuff as the rest of the world.
@smileylovesgaming Well, where else am I supposed to post stuff about my heritage?
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@PerchingDove well there is self, family and friends, community.
Khenpal1 · M
you can make it
@Khenpal1 Yeah, on Experience Project. That feature isn’t available here.
Khenpal1 · M
@PerchingDove strange , it was before
[image/video deleted]
seadog · F
I can’t find any groups for any nationality
@seadog I found a couple for Indians. East Indians, lol.
That should be rectified soon
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
I love native people
this site has always been fucked up.

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