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Probably Just a Coincidence… Zuckerberg’s “Threads” Logo Was Made from Three Sixes 6-6-6 – A Satanic Symbol

Facebook Meta launched their new app today “Threads.” Owner Mark Zuckerberg says its vision is to “create an open and friendly public space for conversation” for 1 billion-plus people.

Within hours of its launch Twitter threatened to sue Zuckerberg and Meta. Twitter on Thursday issued a cease & desist letter to Meta over the new social media app ‘Threads.’

Elon Musk threatened to sue Meta over its new “Twitter killer,” Threads, a text-based app that resembles Twitter. Twitter accused Meta of hiring dozens of former Twitter employees who still have access to the social media platform’s trade secrets.

Attorney Alex Spiro said Meta assigned former Twitter employees to develop ‘Meta’s copycat ‘Threads’ with the intent to use Twitter’s intellectual property.

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey noted on Thursday that Facebook-Threads was already harvesting user data. That didn’t take long!

And Zero Hedge noted that Threads was already censoring undesirable voices. It is owned by Mark Zuckerberg, after all!

As journalist Michael Shellenberger notes,
“Within a few hours of launching, Threads was already secretly censoring users and not offering them the right to appeal.
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666 is generally believed to have been the original Number of the Beast in the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible. In 2005, however, a fragment of papyrus 115 was revealed, containing the earliest known version of that part of the Book of Revelation discussing the Number of the Beast. It gave the number as 616, suggesting that this may have been the original. One possible explanation for the two different numbers is that they reflect two different spellings of Emperor Nero/Neron's name, for which (according to this theory) this number is believed to be a code.

And, by the way, I'm glad that undesirable voices are being silenced. That's why Twitter is now such a shithole. It is a steaming cesspool of hate. Hopefully, Threads will be better.
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Tetsuya · 56-60, M
And, by the way, I'm glad that undesirable voices are being silenced.
tells me all I need to know
Budwick · 70-79, M
Revelation is a book of code and that's what a lot of Christians don't understand.

A book of code? Can I get the cypher key off Etsy?
Carissimi · F
FB is bad enough, there is no need for me to open a Threads account. Zuckerberg already has a good track record of censorship and manipulating news.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
Did you know the retail price of the first PC was $666? Google it. I doubt that was an accident.
Luckylu · 61-69, F
With this logic and forcing the closure to create a series of 6s it can just as easily be a series of 9s.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@Luckylu Which is the number not of The Beast but of the UK emergency services. As that could expose you to the 'socialist' National Health Service, no doubt this is all part of the Great Reset 😐
And it's the lamest of satanic symbolism
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
I wouldn't have either and have never had facebook
Confined · 56-60, M
Threads is the democrat twitter.
@Confined good, bring it on. Twitter is just a cesspool of right-wing hatred now.
4meAndyou · F
That is an ampersand.
It just looks like a pedo sign..

Namor69 · 41-45, M
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strongbow · 46-50, M
The guys a freakin slimey satanic jew of course 666 is going to be in there somewhere

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